Northern Fowl Mites šŸ˜”


Nov 8, 2022
Currently battling a northern fowl mite infestation. It has been too cold to clean the coop and run (nothing would have dried and it would have been bad), but now that things are warming up, this is something that is going to be done, along with giving each bird a bath.

I have Bronco Fly Spray that has been keeping them under control in the meantime but not completely eliminating them. (I checked them again today, didn't see live mites on the two previously severe ones, but I did end up with a mite on me so not gone entirely but definitely seems to be reduced). I might also be able to get Elector PSP. With the Bronco spray, I've been spraying once each under both wings and around the vent. I'm not sure if this is enough, though.

If I get the Elector, can I dip them in it, like a soak (diluted properly, of course)? Or does it always need to be sprayed? Or do I just need to spray more/more thoroughly with the Bronco spray? Should I be spraying the coop and bedding every so often as well? I don't want the mites, but I also don't want to create resistance to the treatment accidentally.

Thank you in advance! If anyone has any other tips it would be greatly appreciated. I've never had to deal with mites until now and it feels like I will never be able to get rid of them.
I have Elector PSP on hand for mite infestations. I've used this video for guidance: Chicken Mite Treatment

It's expensive, but can be diluted. One treatment and done. Whereabouts are you? If you have a warm enough day, you should be able to treat under the feathers will a spray treatment, and I'd think they would dry enough to be warm for the cooler evenings.

Sorry you're going through this. Mites suck.

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