Norwegian Jaerhon

Will be looking for hatching eggs in the spring.

Is it sad to be already looking forward to that?
Nope. I am too! I'm using the winter to decide between Norwegian Jaerhons, Icelandics or Swedish Flowers to fill out my flock next spring.


These are a couple pictures I took of a cockeral and pullet. They are about 11 weeks old here. They like walking up to me and checking me out. I have one named chip, that walks up to my feet and waits to be picked up. Ha he get his name from when he had a small chip on his beak as a chick.
Nope. I am too! I'm using the winter to decide between Norwegian Jaerhons, Icelandics or Swedish Flowers to fill out my flock next spring.

How much fun would some of each be? Ha! I can't do it becuase I don't want more than the two coops I have. I would end up breeding a mess. Then I would have to think of a name for the new breed. Something like Adirondack Scandanavian Jumbles? A surprise in every egg! Yeah.....better I stick with just one kind.
I know, there are so many cool breeds out there! My Ameraucana's lay a pretty blue, Marans a dark brown then my jaerhons will lay high numbers of cream colored eggs! A colorful egg basket is my goal. I'm even working on breeding F1 and F2 generation olive eggers by next spring. When I hatched these jaerhon eggs I was amazed how they were all medium and large eggs from such small bodied hens! They were a bit of a cream off white color.
I'll bet some of these birds are actually enjoying this weather. We are crisp and cool in the North East. Way too much rain, but the leaves are in full color and the geese are migrating which means that they are in every lake and pond and field.

The chickens are loving getting out, but they have so little time as we are now losing light fast. Really has shortened the free range bug eatng time.
You are correct...mine are loving the colder weather
We dropped to 29 degrees for the last couple of nights, and highs only in the upper 40's. The chickees - 6 weeks old now - are already flying really high, and roosting in the trees. Which is terrific, because I have a Sussex Roo that wants to do away with them. Amazing how quick they are to escape danger!
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