Norwegian Jaerhon

That's terrible! And you're not alone, I have extra boys too from my hatch
does anyone know where to get hatching eggs?

i'm on a mission for Norwegian Jaerhon, Icelandic, and Russian Orloff eggs. and i can't find any for either of them.

please let me know if you have hatching eggs or know of someone who does.

Hi All:

For those of you who have stock originating from Ideal, I emailed them to find out where they obtained their breeding stock. The reply was..."We purchased our original breeding stock many years ago and no longer have record of where they came from. We now consider all breeds that leave our facility our blood lines due to our breeding program" ! A big hatchery not keeping records on where their stock came from??? Unbeleivable
I suppose it's really not that important, we know that they all came from the gene bank in Norway...
Who brought the first ones over? I dont recall hearing about them until the last year or so. I will see what wikipedia says.

Okay, I forgot about Dr. Netlund. But it is earlier then I'd thought.

A couple sites discribe them as Bantams but bantams are at or under 2 lbs, not 3-5 lbs.
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