Not roosting


6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
I have a 23 week old B.O. and a 17 week old barred rock. They both are not roosting. They roost outside in a small tree in the day but not at night. Any suggestions?
Put them on the roost every night. It will probably take a week, but they will get the picture. If they are sleeping in nesting boxes, you really want to stop this behavior - when they start laying, you'll be getting poopy eggs.
They don't sleep in the nests should I take they Comfy bedding away and use newspaper? I will try putting them on the roost at night from now on. :)
I have a 23 week old B.O. and a 17 week old barred rock. They both are not roosting. They roost outside in a small tree in the day but not at night. Any suggestions?
If they feel safe snuggled together in the coop they might not roost til it's warm at night but like others have said you can put them on the roost.

BTW, Chickens don't see well in the dark so if you move them to the roost right after dark they will stay there until it's light out.
Lol cute. :D 3 times we have caught them in the coop at 7:30-8:00 am. At that time they were on the roost but when I go to make sure the coop is closed up and they are asleep on the ground. Any thoughts on that?

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