November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Good morning....................
All of the pipped eggs from yesterday have hatched................2 blue and two black English orps...................1 tiny Serama
These all hatched day 20..have 4 more Orps to go..
Not sure on the other hatcher with Silkies and Serama.
Counted them and forgot the number by the time I got to the computer.....................

I am really hoping for some Silkies...................
Yay, I have a good hatch for the 3rd batch :) so far 7 buff brahmas and 1 Silkie, with one of each pipped still in the bator. 2 BB that I think are duds but I'll leave in until tomorrow :)
My first quail baby hatched!!! :woot

Started with 30 texas a&m quail and 14 made it to lock down. 1 has hatched and none of the others have pipped. I'm so happy! Sadly I must leave to class and don't get to sit and watch my baby...

Pictures to come as soon as I get home!

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