November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I love my little Maxorinni but I'm starting to wonder if Max needs to be with other turkeys. Max has been hanging out by the mirror. She still sleeps on my chest and follows me everywhere but would a turkey her own age she doesn't know be better than a human she does?

WOw, so much action going on.

For Max, I would think another poult would be a good thing, these are flock animals and I am sure they would enjoy a good shared dig or dust bath, where us humans tend to shy away from trowing dirt on ourselves!

AM of Day 20,

Hatch Count, 2
Pip Count, 7.

Both chicks look in great condition and am happy to see dark legs and silver (not brassy peachy coloured) down that we have had issues with before.

On the downside, the two chicks 'that came in like a wrecking ball' have tipped rolled and tossed everyone else, so it's hard to see some of the fat ends now so there may be more. I have not seen any movement from the wrong end pipper yet, nor anything leak out of it. Still have hopes for that one.

The eggcitement continues!
Finally have a chick out! And one kinda half way out....nope, make that two out! Another starting to zip. I was starting to worry. They started pipping last night and had all pipped by this morning. When I left for work I just knew I was going to come home to a bator full a chicks. When I didn't I started to panic. But as soon as I got home I had my first zipper and now they are really getting on a roll. I had my first mottled ameraucana pip in the other bator and its zipped at the wrong end :barnie it's chirping so I'm gonna wait and see :fl
WOw, so much action going on.

For Max, I would think another poult would be a good thing, these are flock animals and I am sure they would enjoy a good shared dig or dust bath, where us humans tend to shy away from trowing dirt on ourselves!

AM of Day 20,

Hatch Count, 2
Pip Count, 7.

Both chicks look in great condition and am happy to see dark legs and silver (not brassy peachy coloured) down that we have had issues with before.

On the downside, the two chicks 'that came in like a wrecking ball' have tipped rolled and tossed everyone else, so it's hard to see some of the fat ends now so there may be more. I have not seen any movement from the wrong end pipper yet, nor anything leak out of it. Still have hopes for that one.

The eggcitement continues!
I'm so jealous! I'm very much a nervous wreck. I have one shipped Cayuga duckling in lockdown with two red sexlink/Dominique mixes.
No wiggling or pipping but air cells look great w plenty of baby action in there.
The cayuga is my miracle baby and I can hardly wait. please everyone according to your beliefs please either pray or cross your fingers, toes etc that all goes well. If not , I'm afraid
I'm not going to have any nerves left come tomorrow!
How about this for an ecumenical hatching prayer

Dear____________ (fill in the blank with deity/higher power of your choosing) We ask for healthy chicks we pray that all shipped eggs be handled gently and we hope that you give us strength to accept and learn from this hatch so that the next will be better. Help us to do the right things to make these cicks/poults/keets/ducklings/goslings thrive and we ask that they have long and productive lives.

Amen..or however you close a prayer
How about this for an ecumenical hatching prayer

Dear____________ (fill in the blank with deity/higher power of your choosing)  We ask for healthy chicks we pray that all shipped eggs be handled gently and we hope that you give us strength to accept and learn from this hatch so that the next will be better.   Help us to do the right things to make these cicks/poults/keets/ducklings/goslings thrive and we ask that they have long and productive lives.

Amen..or however you close a prayer
Love it! Prayed it as I read and then again. Thank you. I need to calm down seriously I am so worried! Uggghhh does it ever get better as you hatch more?
Thank you! I feel as if this little girl( I hope) and I r going to be great friends lol as she is the only eggs that made it :( but better than none! Last time incubating for the year so I hope she survives !
My little malpositioned Marans cross is still hanging out in her shell. Her veins are pretty much all absorbed now and she was squawking so I pulled back the top membrane for her. She can get out now whenever she is ready to try. Looks like she is going to make it unless there is some kind of awful surprise waiting for me in the bottom of her shell. For now more waiting and :fl

In less good news - I have at least 4 droopy chicks in the outside brooder who look like I may lose them soon to the wet pox :( That would bring the total to 9 :hit I WILL be vaxing my latest and final round of hatchling for the year before I send them outside in a month or so. I just hope the coccidiosis is over by then. And I can manage to remove all traces of it...

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