November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I should have said broilers coming up soon. There are several boys in these two hatches. I am thinking in my first hatch I have around 11? I have no clue in this hatch here. It will be interesting to see how many I will have.
I've got a broody silkie due to hatch her babies between the 23-26, next week. She is currently setting on 12 eggs, yikes! She's been a great broody so I expect a pretty good hatch rate. Then one of my white silkies decided to go broody (on one egg!) and now her momma has decided to go too (on no egg); they just like to share the nest. Classic case of monkey see, monkey do. Crazy girls! Question is... WHAT am I going to do with 12 chicks (potentially)??? If anyone wants silkie chicks PM me. Shipping avail.
I've got a broody silkie due to hatch her babies between the 23-26, next week. She is currently setting on 12 eggs, yikes! She's been a great broody so I expect a pretty good hatch rate. Then one of my white silkies decided to go broody (on one egg!) and now her momma has decided to go too (on no egg); they just like to share the nest. Classic case of monkey see, monkey do. Crazy girls! Question is... WHAT am I going to do with 12 chicks (potentially)??? If anyone wants silkie chicks PM me. Shipping avail.
Where are you??? :)
Oh, dear! I hope all the best for you and the babies. :c

Thank you :)

Since today is day 21 for my quail eggs I went ahead and pipped the ones that haven't already and started chipping away at the ones that have. 2 confirmed alive (1 hatched a few minutes ago), 2 piped a vein and died and 3 died after day 14 but before day 18. Waiting on the last one but so far started with 30 shipped eggs and have 7 healthy babies possibly 8 :woot I'm just happy even 1 hatched!

Ok, I don't know what I was thinking. My last hatch has just finished. Someone jokingly told me chicken math deals with exponentials. July 3rd I got my first 4 chickens. By the end of the month I had 13. In August I got 30 roosters for the stew pot and all but 5 are gone; they had some filling out to do. September I hatched my 1st group of which I still have 20. My daughter was given some frizzles and silkies. I have 31 from this hatch. I now have 86 chickens here. What was I thinking?!

April 2013 I bought my first 15 chicks from a feed store - almost none of which were actually the breeds I was sold, LOL!

Flash forward October 2013 and I have somewhere around 150 chickens/chicks, most of which are rare and heritage breeds, LOL!

Chicken Math is BAD, LOL!
I ordered 6 EE's from the feedstore, bought 8. Got 1 from a friend, bought 8 more, 4 died (weak & hawk), bought 7 more, then I started hatching. I have about 75 now. All but 14 I hatched. I have given and hatched about 40 more for a friend. Just started getting eggs, so now I have to hatch a few of those. I think I am only going to put in 6. I have 4 due Monday. Who knew all I really needed was a Max.
I ordered 6 EE's from the feedstore, bought 8.  Got 1 from a friend, bought 8 more, 4 died (weak & hawk), bought 7 more, then I started hatching.  I have about 75 now.  All but 14 I hatched.  I have given and hatched about 40 more for a friend.  Just started getting eggs, so now I have to hatch a few of those.  I think I am only going to put in 6.  I have 4 due Monday.  Who knew all I really needed was a Max.

My sweet miracle baby Cayuga duckling.
Possible wry neck:-(
Its going to be my pet either way. And he came a day early.....quite unusual for ducks

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