November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

im pretty sure my black hen is a cochin and if her chick is a roo i want to cull my banty game cock roo so i can get more cochins.
2 white leghorns out of 3...1 died before it hatched

5 out of 6 favorelles
6 out 10 Russian far

today is hatch day!!

I was gone most of yesterday I'll get pictures today
What's the best way to deal with the revelation that your hatch isn't going to happen? Set more eggs, of course! A friend has collected a dozen eggs for me! She has French Copper Marans, Swedish Flowers, and Golden Lakenvelders. I told her to surprise me with whatever breeds she wants! I'm so excited. But now, if any of my other six actually are good come Sunday, I guess I'll have to build a hatcher!
that's what I would do

I'm envious of the golden lakenvelders....but I hope you didn't get them from the same person on ebay I bought mine from....not 1 was fertile...she's suppose to be working with me to get me some eggs in the spring
That baby is so fine!!! what show were y'all watching?? lol

the hen your holding...the egg layer
smile.png so beautiful...what breed is she??
We were watching Castle. Max always sits facing the TV to watch. Max loves Castle. Cinnamon is the one that just laid her fist egg yesterday. When she was in the brooder she would jump onto the corner of my bed every morning and wake me up. She has always been a little friendlier than most of them. Now she comes in the house several times a day. I hold her a lot. She is beautiful but then I think all of my chickens are. She is an Easter Egger sold to me as an Aruacana. I didn't believe them and was happy to have Easter Eggers. I bought 8 from the feed store in April, they got them from Mt Healthy. The beginning of my addiction. So far 3 of the 8 have started laying. All the same green color egg.


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