Now is your chance to win... various contests----- ENDS 7/26/12


Just'a small town girl
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
SOOOO i want to provide many winning opportunities so there are several catagories! PRIZE= BRAGGING RIGHTS :)


Cutest hen
Cutest Rooster
Cutest Chick
Cutest Family
Sleeping Baby (any kind of poultry)
Grumpy Mom (any kind of poultry)
Flock Protector
Best Poultry Pet


Name (if applicable):
About (optionable):


Name: Diego
Age: 1
Breed: RIR
Catagory: Cutest hen
About: Sweetest girl in the flock

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Name (if applicable): Ava
Age: 1.5yrs old
Breed: Rosecomb Bantam
Catagory: Cutest Hen
About (optionable): Ava lives with a flock of 20 chickens, she has four besties, an Old English Game Bantam rooster and three Old English Game Bantam Hens. She'll be shown at a poultry show this October.

Name: Bertie
Age: 1 week
Breed: Buff Orpington
Category: Cutest Chick
About: My sweet girl at a week old on her first adventure outside.

Name: Clementine
Age: 1 week
Breed: Salmon Faverolles
Category: Cutest Chick
About: Clementine striking a pose.
Name (if applicable): Pigeon [nickname Pidgie or Pidge]

Age: 2
Breed: Golden Laced
Category: Best Poultry Pet
About (optional):
Pidgie likes to be close to us and comes when we call her; she never runs away from us, even if I'm holding her and she wants down - she still stays right next to me when I put her down. We've had her for two months. My little girl is head over heels in love with her, and we are keeping her for a pet, even though she has never layed an egg.

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Name: Opal
Age: 1 year
Breed: Black Australorp
Catagory: Best Flock Protector
She is protecting her broody coop-mate in this pic and I think she looks like a miniature turkey when she fluffs up like this. She went broody, too, and ended up wedging herself into the same nest box. When the first [and maybe only] chick was a few hours old, the hatching mom tried to peck it, and Opal spread her wings to take it under her. The chick scooted right under her, and then she moved the other eggs underneath herself. Hatching momma was removed right away, so Opal is now momma-on-duty.


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