NY chicken lover!!!!

I wanted to get some advice from you guys, I'd ask at Chicken stock but I can't make it :( I'm looking into selling either fertile hatching eggs or day old chicks. My question is - what breed sells well in the Southern Tier or upstate NY areas? I'm split whether people want bantams like silkies, dual purpose breeds, rare breeds etc. Right now I have pullet and cockerel lavender silkie, and the rest are pullet cochins, EEs and ISA Browns.
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If we are going to do demos we probably want to schedule them at certain times. I remember last year Baking tried to do one but there was never a set time, and it never happened because we weren't able to get everyone together. Honestly it felt like there ended up being no time for it, so if there are going to be demos we should probably schedule them in, like we do with the auction, so that we know they'll happen.

I can't even think of scheduling until I know if the demos are going to be done.
I can't even think of scheduling until I know if the demos are going to be done.

Yes, of course. I was just suggesting that if we do find out the demos are happening that they are scheduled so that people don't end up bringing all the supplies and live birds for them and they don't happen, like what happened last year :)
Cydney83, did you have the RIR as part of your breeding program for them? I read when Greenfire had them they added fresh RIR genetics.

Yes I used the heritage RIR to improve type and color. Mine are not from Greenfire. Not to be not nice but Greenfire didn't do them justice. The Rhodebars are still being improved. So far this flock has done well and I am very happy with them. But due still having too many kids...a total of five and 4 at home...something has to go...kids or chickens...Chickens it is...I still have Partridge Wyndottes and Red Orps...

As for then selling ....so far...not well....just saying....
Good morning all!  I have a flock of Rhodebars..two roosters and 11 hens and 3 Heritage RIR that I would love to have them go to someone who will breed them.  I have improved them over the last few years but can no longer continue to breed them.  I just can't keep up.  Hence why i haven't been on here in a long time.  If I can figure out how to post the pictures here I will, if not please contact me and I will email or text them to you.  Will consider any reasonable offer.  Thanks.

I saw a post from you somewhere not long ago and wished I had the money. I just lost all but one rhodebar hen to a fox. Broke into what I thought was my safest coop. Now it's a matter more of how many I can afford. However I couldn't find ur post. Pm me please!
I wanted to get some advice from you guys, I'd ask at Chicken stock but I can't make it :( I'm looking into selling either fertile hatching eggs or day old chicks. My question is - what breed sells well in the Southern Tier or upstate NY areas? I'm split whether people want bantams like silkies, dual purpose breeds, rare breeds etc. Right now I have pullet and cockerel lavender silkie, and the rest are pullet cochins, EEs and ISA Browns.

IMHO,I don't know exactly what our area is looking for, my thought would be good dual purpose breeds.
It seems like the rare cool breeds are the ones selling. Different color eggs, black copper marans for dark brown, legbars for blue or true ameraucanas for blue, isbars for green or olive eggers for dark green , they seem to sell like crazy, and then the cemanis and honas for those looking for super rare. And the bresse. don't know why, except it seems people are going to make $$$ off them and go for them, it isn't because they are good layers or meat producers.
Yes I used the heritage RIR to improve type and color. Mine are not from Greenfire. Not to be not nice but Greenfire didn't do them justice. The Rhodebars are still being improved. So far this flock has done well and I am very happy with them. But due still having too many kids...a total of five and 4 at home...something has to go...kids or chickens...Chickens it is...I still have Partridge Wyndottes and Red Orps...

As for then selling ....so far...not well....just saying....
I've heard that a few times about greenfire on other breeds. I have five kids at home myself and the wife is not happy with my chicken obsession lol. We have to many already and ordered more! Have you tried Craigslist and explained what they are?
Right now I am waiting since May 5 for a max order of ten white jersey giants from sandhill preservation center, only wanted them for future giant capons, added black and blue langshans to complete the minimum order. I really want these chicks, but if some reason it doesn't happen I would definitely be interested in your rhodebars , sandhill has one more month to fill my order on alternative dates in June and then I'm looking elsewhere at the wrong time of year.
I can bring some cockerels ... have plenty of work with between the ages of 5 - 9 weeks old. I can also bring my tools.
I usually just fasted them for 12 to 24 hrs, some of the others on the caponizing thread do 36 hrs w/o food, 12 hrs w/o water.

I don't know what Phoreda wants to do, but if we both worked together on a demo - you know what they say "two brains are better than one"!
Oh, and I wasn't fast and efficient, either, in 2013, but I also didn't have any die "on the table" - yet the majority were slips.
I think that was due to the ones in 2013 being small for their age, but this year's cockerels are more "on track", growth-wise.

Doing a "test run" is on my to-do list today.
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IMHO,I don't know exactly what our area is looking for, my thought would be good dual purpose breeds.
It seems like the rare cool breeds are the ones selling. Different color eggs, black copper marans for dark brown, legbars for blue or true ameraucanas for blue, isbars for green or olive eggers for dark green , they seem to sell like crazy, and then the cemanis and honas for those looking for super rare. And the bresse. don't know why, except it seems people are going to make $$$ off them and go for them, it isn't because they are good layers or meat producers.
You know I had these same thoughts, you would like a good dual purpose breed, but from what I'm seeing as well is the rarer breeds. I would be doing this because I simply would enjoy it, but also wouldn't want to lose a huge amount of money. I'll do some more research because I want to get in to a breed that I would love as well. Do you recommend going the fertile hatching egg route or selling chicks? or both?

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