NY chicken lover!!!!

Well my chicks came in this morning and 9 were dead. It was horrible! Others I couldn't tell if they were alive until I touched them. As of now I revived all I could and 2 are still are still weak. I ordered 25 and ideal said that was enough for warmth. Pics to come tomorrow once they've settled in more. So far I only know I got some polish and the others I have no clue the breed.

Sorry to read about your chicks. :( I hope the rest make it for you.
I am putting together a order for chicks from Ideal but mine have to wait until April. I hope this is made right by the company for you.
Well now lately if the sun is shining I sit on the porch reading just to soak it up. 

I know I'm going to catch flack but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  "A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man." - Scalia, so here goes.

For some reason SOME women and men think because she or he doesn't work outside the home she or he has no money.  I'm on a crusade to change this thinking or should be. 

DW used to ask women who came into the hospital if they "worked outside the home". Some were surprised by this question. 

Ladies just because you don't get a paycheck doesn't mean you're not working. Used to be we got paid by cash in an envelope. 

DW and I are a team, sure we do different jobs but with the same goal in mind, just like the NFL and all that.  Sure Manning got all the attention but Manning didn't pass the ball to himself !  DW and I compliment each other, we make the other look good. Well mostly she makes me look good but you get the idea? 

When DW worked she had her pay put in two accounts. One joint and one personal. The money in her personal account was hers to do what ever she wanted with. Not groceries, kids or other necessities but how she decided. 

At the same time she doesn't gripe because I have MY chickens. 

You're not a "house wife" you are a WIFE who takes care of the house and should receive the same respect as your spouse.  :old

Someday I'm going to take those His and Her towels and sew a line across the His and Hers and embroider in OURS !!  Course I can't embroider so it may never happen.  :lol:    

FYI, you don't want to get me started on Husbands and Wives who call each other Mom and Dad.  That is just sick!  :sick

Your friend and ally, 
Rancher, married to his girlfriend not his mother, Hicks   

Baker, print this out, hand it to him and go get a tan.  :hugs  

It's not my husband that feels this way about the money. He doesn't care what I spend or on what. It's me going through growing pains of a somewhat new marriage...my previous marriage was a bit of a mess. His and mine and all that jazz.
Greg is wonderful to and for me... it's just emptying your head of old ideas and putting in new ones.
With the light being more abundant I'll be feeling good soon enough and I have asked for a tanning package for next year's winter doldrums. my birthday is in November so that's perfect.
If I had met Greg the first time around life would have been so different.
Thanks for your words of kindness.
It took me forever to find this post again.
I hope I get an early night tonight. I'm short one child until Sunday. My older one just left with his scout troop to go camping. Might be close to some of you? It's in Sullivan county catskills
Well my chicks came in this morning and 9 were dead. It was horrible! Others I couldn't tell if they were alive until I touched them. As of now I revived all I could and 2 are still are still weak. I ordered 25 and ideal said that was enough for warmth. Pics to come tomorrow once they've settled in more. So far I only know I got some polish and the others I have no clue the breed
So Sorry ..poor little things

Tractor supply Auburn is supposed to get chicks this Monday the 29th ..They said today
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And I'm south of you in Marathon
I'll be setting some eggs for the Easter hatch a long. If it goes well, I'll have extra chicks.
Thank you all! I'll hold off ordering :)
Thank you all! I'll hold off ordering :)
Thank you all! I'll hold off ordering :)

So far I'm setting Wheaton/blue wheaten Ameraucanas from Chris in Lafayette @ke5hdeand a mix of Spitz/project spitz from @PhoredaBurds. Im also trying to get some Wyandottes from a lady in PA. She has a mixed pen of GLW and SLW.
In my own flock, I have a GLW roo over a variety of hens. I found that the GLW/Welsumers are great layers and foragers. I got the Welsumers from Deb in Pompey. She also hatches on occasion. Besides the wellies, she has buff Orp, partridge rock, and buff/EE cross. I hatched one of the buff EE last year, she looks like a buff Orp with puffy cheeks and lays a green egg. PM me, I can put extra eggs in the incubator if needed. And I won't need all the chicks that hatch.

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