Ended Official BYC Contest - Post Your Best Poultry Dust Bathing Pics!

I dug through my pictures and was surprised to not find very good dust bathing ones.
Oh well, I'll still enter.



Nevermind they have a nice dust bath in their yard, the driveway is Raven's favorite spot to bathe.

This is Cricket. She came here with a small group of hens that had been living in a fully tarped dog run. I am not sure they ever had sunshine and good dirt. The amount of dust bathing that has gone on is astounding. I often find her in the dusting area asleep and covered in dirt. When not in the dirt bath she is laying in the sun sunbathing. I think she is a happy hen now.

Not a good pic for a contest but wanted to share anyway.
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My quail were raised in hanging wire cages before I got them a few weeks ago, and certainly love to bathe in their pine shavings now. I regularly go outside and they're half buried in it with just their heads peaking out.

My girls like a nice shady spot behind the wood pile, they like privacy when they bath :)

Another favorite spot. I gave up on trying to keep any flowers in the pots!
Yes to the 2nd pic! I am new to chickens and HAD a plant in a similar pot... no longer. The chickens did some construction and converted it to a chicken spa. I wasn't even mad at them because it was too darn funny. Looking into getting a raised stand for any potted plants I actually care to keep alive...
Here is my funny sunbathing/dirt bathing pic... caught Sydney and Ginger awkwardly sort of overlapping each other with their feathers puffed out enjoying the sun and dirt. At one point Ginger had her wing totally stretched out so it was just awkward legs and wings all over the place!


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