Ended Official BYC Contest - Post Your Best Poultry Dust Bathing Pics!

My two pictures:

Dove, my bantam mix-breed hen in the sunlight

Yosemite the White Giant enjoying the warmth of the spring sun

Betty & Veronica, my buff & black orpingtons
We had some really warm weather in E. Washington State this past February. I went looking for my "free range flock" and found they had dug a depression at the base of this tree...they looked dead and it took my breath away for a moment (they were babies in September and I never saw them bathe in their sandbox in the coop). One pic of the whole group, and "Mr, Tweety" shakin' it!

We had some really warm weather in E. Washington State this past February. I went looking for my "free range flock" and found they had dug a depression at the base of this tree...they looked dead and it took my breath away for a moment (they were babies in September and I never saw them bathe in their sandbox in the coop). One pic of the whole group, and "Mr, Tweety" shakin' it!

Lucky that you had your camera ready for these :)

So glad you have joined us. You should post an intro under the New Members forum to get a proper welcoming.

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