OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Sorry to sound stupid, but what is EYP? This is my first year having chickens. I have four RIR and two barred rock, they are about thirteen weeks along now. I love checking on them and discovered they love strawberries, blueberries, and frozen cherries.

Not stupid at all that's why your here!
Egg Yolk Peritonitis.
With my reading the easiest explanation is an egg yolk went were it shouldn't. With no way to get it out it causes infection and other problems.
There is no cure. I'm trying treat her swollen belly to make her comfortable until I think her quality of life is no good.
This link is to one of many threads on the topic.
This is another I found helpful. Was getting answers from the starter even though the thread started years ago.

I'm not happy to tell you RIRs seem to be susceptible to this condition. Not that your girls will get it but I'd rather prepare you... I'm not sure how old my girl is but it seems to hit once they are a little older. You got them young. I would recommend getting them used to being handled as much as you can. That way you will notice anything "off" about them right away.

Good luck and enjoy your girls!
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we'rewe're not far from either one of ya'll & go thru visiting in both areas:) by Utica off 657. This is first yr as well!

We live off of 715 on the way cohsocton. Not far from you at all. What breed of birds do you guys have? We are getting into breeding black copper marans, chocolate Orpingtons, chocolate cuckoo Orpingtons and wheaten ameraucana chickens. Of coarse we have Ancona ducks and more in the incubator due in 2 weeks. :)
We live off of 715 on the way cohsocton. Not far from you at all. What breed of birds do you guys have? We are getting into breeding black copper marans, chocolate Orpingtons, chocolate cuckoo Orpingtons and wheaten ameraucana chickens. Of coarse we have Ancona ducks and more in the incubator due in 2 weeks. :)
awww wonderful bunch you've got!! Buff orpingtons black austrolorps black marans (ooo love her!!) Golden comet Aracaunas golden wyandotte. Total of 20
I want to get into hatching fertile eggs perhaps next yrs. Ours are still babies (2wks and 5 wks old).
awww wonderful bunch you've got!! Buff orpingtons black austrolorps black marans (ooo love her!!) Golden comet Aracaunas golden wyandotte. Total of 20
I want to get into hatching fertile eggs perhaps next yrs. Ours are still babies (2wks and 5 wks old).

Hatching eggs is so much fun. I have found in my opinion that the babies bond to you more. But no matter what, it is a wonderful thing watching a life come into this world. ;)
Well, I certainly have a story about my chickens! Ever heard of Vent Gleet? Hopefully not, as it is pretty yucky. I think it's also called Pasty Butt. I call it Yucky Butt. So I noticed that there were wet areas on the poop board. I didn't think too much of it at first, but then I saw that my Welsummer hen had a dreadfully swollen vent area and the feathers were all white and wet, in fact you could see 'water' dripping from them. then I noticed that other chicken had a few wet and white butt feathers so I went to the internet. I found articles here on Backyard Chickens and also other sites, and gathered as much info as I could about how to take care of it. As it turns out, the suggestions have seemed to work. Here is what I did. I fed them all plain yogurt at least once a day, added some probiotics to their feed, gave fresh water with vinegar that had the 'mother' in it, every other day, washed down their butts morning and night with a squirt bottle filled with water that had epsom salts and soap, paying special attention to the vent and the dirty feathers. Then I sprayed their butts with an anti-fungal spray for athlete's foot. Sounds odd, but after a week, the one chicken seems totally cured and the other one is almost cured, she just needs to regrow her feathers as her butt is pretty bare now. Since the chickens all loved the yogurt so much, I will give them some often, and the probiotic cultures in it will help keep their guts in good shape to lessen the chance of this pasty butt business! Sheesh, what we won't do for our chickens. These two chickens had stopped laying, but the one who had the lesser problem has started laying again, and I hope the Welsummer will start back up again soon. I have no idea how they got this vent gleet but I hope they never get it again! To top it off, hubby accidentally rolled over another hens foot with the small wheel of the riding mower and it seemed like it might have broken her foot, she could barely put weight on it. We made sure she had a place to sleep down low and food and water that she could easily get to, and she seems to be better now. Last night she finally was able to get up to the roost at night.
Well, I certainly have a story about my chickens!  Ever heard of Vent Gleet?  Hopefully not, as it is pretty yucky. I think it's also called Pasty Butt.  I call it Yucky Butt.  So I noticed that there were wet areas on the poop board.  I didn't think too much of it at first, but then I saw that my Welsummer hen had a dreadfully swollen vent area and the feathers were all white and wet, in fact you could see 'water' dripping from them.  then I noticed that other chicken had a few wet and white butt feathers so I went to the internet.  I found articles here on Backyard Chickens and also other sites, and gathered as much info as I could about how to take care of it.  As it turns out, the suggestions have seemed to work.  Here is what I did.  I fed them all plain yogurt at least once a day, added some probiotics to their feed, gave fresh water with vinegar that had the 'mother' in it, every other day, washed down their butts morning and night with a squirt bottle filled with water that had epsom salts and soap, paying special attention to the vent and the dirty feathers. Then I sprayed their butts with an anti-fungal spray for athlete's foot.  Sounds odd, but after a week, the one chicken seems totally cured and the other one is almost cured, she just needs to regrow her feathers as her butt is pretty bare now.  Since the chickens all loved the yogurt so much, I will give them some often, and the probiotic cultures in it will help keep their guts in good shape to lessen the chance of this pasty butt business!  Sheesh, what we won't do for our chickens.  These two chickens had stopped laying, but the one who had the lesser problem has started laying again, and I hope the Welsummer will start back up again soon.  I have no idea how they got this vent gleet but I hope they never get it again!  To top it off, hubby accidentally rolled over another hens foot with the small wheel of the riding mower and it seemed like it might have broken her foot, she could barely put weight on it.  We made sure she had a place to sleep down low and food and water that she could easily get to, and she seems to be better now. Last night she finally was able to get up to the roost at night.
wow!! That sure is quite the chicken story. I'm glad you've found remedies to help, are you continuing all treatment or just the yogurt? I'm sorry about the foot, these things just seem to happen I guess. Glad things are working out better now.

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