OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

The two I got were 6 weeks old. Oh my, when I try and pick them up they scream and fight. Slowly slowly I am getting them to trust me.
Sounds like you're making progress--good job!
Sometimes their individual personalities make them goofy no matter how much time you spend. I spend a lot the first couple of weeks, but eventually they move out of the mudroom into the big brooder in my big coop and it's more difficult, but some of mine are just friendlier, calmer. My legbars are crazy things right now but they love to jump on my hands when I put a handful of mealworms in it...but who knows what they'll be like when they join the big flock in a few weeks?
My older CC Legbar is pretty shy.
Yes Salmon faverolle do have feathered feet and 5 toes..The chick looks similar to one but can't tell from pic if has feathered feet/toe or not

yea i guess u cant see the front very good
The chick has no hair on the feet but i did look them up and i can def see how similar even with the wings they look. This chick has me clueless lol
I think you are what might be called an enabler...and I like that :)  The distance is probably a good thing...but I may take you up on it someday!

Someday I might take the plunge but for now I'm having enough trouble restraining myself from increasing my flock.  Well, ok, I guess the problem is, I haven't restrained myself.  Started with four Crested Cream Legbar pullets from Sunnyside Up MicroFarm at the end of March.  Then the local feedstore that I support  has a list of the chicks they have coming and I sort of got stuck on the 4/21 delivery date because they had Black Copper Marans, Wheaten Marans and Salmon Faverolles....love my Marans so wanted more of course, and have always wanted the Faverolles, soooo...well, the chicks arrived a day early and the Favs were gone, but the Marans were calling my name.  Yep--another 6 chicks to brood.  Then today...sigh.  The meaties came in so hustled over to pick up 25 Cornish Cross...along with a Buckeye, a Welsumer and two EE's.  So now I'm up to 39 chicks in three different brooders.  Did I mention I already have three cockerals/roosters and 27 hens, plus another chick a secretive broody hatched?  
And I never even got my Favs...the one breed I have yet to own.  I already have and/or had the other breeds, just wanted a few more.

I have a problem...that's the first step in treatment, isn't it?  Admitting it? :rolleyes:

The problem with this particular problem is this place is full of enablers! And yes, I too have been accused of being one. :D Last year, i had an incubation problem. I couldn't stop. This year, I've done pretty well at selling what I hatch. But I've had 10 broodies already this year too! Sold the first set right out from under momma and made me feel terrible! So I'm letting the others keep theirs for a while longer.

Still hope you'll get your Favs some time.
Sounds like you're making progress--good job!
Sometimes their individual personalities make them goofy no matter how much time you spend. I spend a lot the first couple of weeks, but eventually they move out of the mudroom into the big brooder in my big coop and it's more difficult, but some of mine are just friendlier, calmer. My legbars are crazy things right now but they love to jump on my hands when I put a handful of mealworms in it...but who knows what they'll be like when they join the big flock in a few weeks?
My older CC Legbar is pretty shy.
My 6wk olds will go in the coop soon and I'm wondering how that will change how they treat me. The coop is empty now so I don't have to worry about consolidating a flock but they will be so independent and every time they gain another bit of that there is a whole new adjustment. My three corner girls (who usually avoid me in the corner) finally started coming to me too. I suppose time will tell. I am excited for them too. I've just really enjoyed all the closeness. Not enjoying all the getting pooped on though. I've never had a flock I got to raise from chicks before and I wonder how it will be different and hope to see the chickens stay more attached to me, or less fearful/flighty.

What experiences have you all had with changes in temperament as your chickens age and the difference between chicks you've raised yourself compared to older hens added to your flock later?
@floodthelast This will be my first year raising from hatch so I'm interested to see myself.

My first chickens were older hens. 4 Brown Leghorns first soon followed by 2 RIR. Both RIR I could pick up no problem. The Leghorns eventually grew to trust me enough to eat from my hand but keep an eye on me in case I get any ideas of trying to touch them.

The following year I brought home 3 mixed breed at 10-12 weeks old. The 1 that turned out to be a girl loved to hang out with me until she got older and started laying. I can pet her on the roost or in a nest box. She will eat from my hand but like the Leghorns keeps an eye on me. Neither of the boys that came with that group want to be picked up. The second in command will let me touch him and if I have to bring him in for a pedicure or butt cleaning he will just stand there. My head rooster I can't let go of or he's gone. Both nice roos but definitely would rather I leave them alone.

My Black Copper Marans never wanted anything to do with me. I have 1 who has received treatment for a wound over an extended period of time. She likes to run from me outside but once I have her she is calm and cooperative. Will eat from my hand and stays still to treatment.
Last but not least my Wheaten Ameraucanas. When they were 8 weeks old they would seek me out. Once they got older they got a little more elusive. They didn't lay till the new year but now are fine with earing out of my hand and being handled.

I guess my long winded post has the point of you never know.
They are all treated the same, fed the same, get the same treats. Some like my company. Some tolerate me. Others would like me to feed them and leave. I think it depends on the chicken. Ha ha Ha
Sorry, not really helpful.
@floodthelast This will be my first year raising from hatch so I'm interested to see myself.

My first chickens were older hens. 4 Brown Leghorns first soon followed by 2 RIR. Both RIR I could pick up no problem. The Leghorns eventually grew to trust me enough to eat from my hand but keep an eye on me in case I get any ideas of trying to touch them.

The following year I brought home 3 mixed breed at 10-12 weeks old. The 1 that turned out to be a girl loved to hang out with me until she got older and started laying. I can pet her on the roost or in a nest box. She will eat from my hand but like the Leghorns keeps an eye on me. Neither of the boys that came with that group want to be picked up. The second in command will let me touch him and if I have to bring him in for a pedicure or butt cleaning he will just stand there. My head rooster I can't let go of or he's gone. Both nice roos but definitely would rather I leave them alone.

My Black Copper Marans never wanted anything to do with me. I have 1 who has received treatment for a wound over an extended period of time. She likes to run from me outside but once I have her she is calm and cooperative. Will eat from my hand and stays still to treatment.
Last but not least my Wheaten Ameraucanas. When they were 8 weeks old they would seek me out. Once they got older they got a little more elusive. They didn't lay till the new year but now are fine with earing out of my hand and being handled.

I guess my long winded post has the point of you never know.
They are all treated the same, fed the same, get the same treats. Some like my company. Some tolerate me. Others would like me to feed them and leave. I think it depends on the chicken. Ha ha Ha
Sorry, not really helpful.

I understand I have such a mixed flock this time around. The older hens I started with were pretty wild and didn't like being picked up but I did get them eating out of my hand eventually. My hand raised bantams didn't want picked up but didn't run when I tried and didn't complain when held. They ran behind me for protection and knew to expect extra treats. My little Rooster was the calmest and the two roos I rehomed did well with children. My flock of 6 got wiped out after being with me for 6 months. (Coyote) this time I have all new breeds, more birds and all raised from chicks. So many vairiables. I loved having Chickens and knew I would get chicks come spring. There's no cure after all. So I'm in the middle of raising chicks, widening the run and upping coop security.
I had a few silkies. They were sweet, wonderful birds. My whites turned out to be standard size and I only have my roo left. His crow is so quiet and he's a timid teddy bear of a chicken
I've only raised chicken from day one, I got 20 ++ all are friendly except the Blue Copper Marans & couple of Silver Laced Wyandottes who never wanted to be touch or pick up, they come for treats but that's about all. Even the White Leghorns wants to be picked up and petted. My friendliest hens are the EEs (got 5) and the Black Copper Marans (got 2) Now I have a couple 2 wk old Crested Black Polish very skittish along with a California White, we'll see how they turned out in few weeks.

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