OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hello all and happy easter! Long story short was at tractor supply yesterday getting some things.well of course i stop by the chicks have never bought any there before. But there were chicks marked down older feathering in. Well a mother and her untuly children were looking at them and were going to get them . Sales clerk asked if they wanted feed or a heat lamp. The mother said no they are for easter decorations. She said lemme think a few and i will be back. Ok so upset yes i brought seven chicks home. The asst bantams are silkies black blue skin five toes. The others are buff brahmas. Any ways tips on sexing them? I know the silkies are hard but the brahmas some are lighter some darker. Any tips? I report they are happy and healthy in my nursery coop under heat and enjoyed some fresh grass today! I am a sucker for an animal in need!
i am jealous, I can't find a good find at feed stores! Silkies are hard to sex we had to wait till ours crowed... good luck!
Went to the Lucasville swap and saw teenagers cockfighting. Had to explain this to my kids who also saw. Sad this behavior is socially acceptable in this area. I'm beginning to wonder if moving to this area is a mistake. I was disgusted.
Well i got my first jersey giant hens yesterday,i traded 2 barred rock hens and a roo for three jersey hens now i just need to find a rooster..i cant wait to see how big they get
Hi everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Easter,mine was rather upsetting. Checked n fed,watered at 9,they were all up eating n moving around;11 check was fine too. Went to Easter gathering with family at noon returned at 4,my head hen was down with her head in corner. Grabbed her out of coop to go to barn to look her over. Vary pale,still and no growls, black giant hen who hates being held.Checked her over no injuries but she didn't want to walk and vent area pulsed. Filled tub with warm soapy water to soak her and she convulsed and died before I was able to soak her. So bummed,was the biggest girl I had,just a year old. I am so confused,she went from fine to gone in hours.:(
I did end up going down the road (to the Lucasvile swap) again yesterday. Got there at 8. It was a colossal waste of time, sleep, and 6 bucks. Over half the vendors had already packed up and left (including all the ones I was going back to see). Left empty-handed. Why they bother advertising Saturday-Sunday is beyond me.

Hello all and happy easter! Long story short was at tractor supply yesterday getting some things.well of course i stop by the chicks have never bought any there before. But there were chicks marked down older feathering in. Well a mother and her untuly children were looking at them and were going to get them . Sales clerk asked if they wanted feed or a heat lamp. The mother said no they are for easter decorations. She said lemme think a few and i will be back. Ok so upset yes i brought seven chicks home. The asst bantams are silkies black blue skin five toes. The others are buff brahmas. Any ways tips on sexing them? I know the silkies are hard but the brahmas some are lighter some darker. Any tips? I report they are happy and healthy in my nursery coop under heat and enjoyed some fresh grass today! I am a sucker for an animal in need!

That's sickening. I'm so glad you got them before heartless, mother-of-the-year there did. I agree; nice find!

Went to the Lucasville swap and saw teenagers cockfighting. Had to explain this to my kids who also saw. Sad this behavior is socially acceptable in this area. I'm beginning to wonder if moving to this area is a mistake. I was disgusted.

Holy heck. I was there for a long time but didn't see this happening. Good thing, too. I'm a quiet person, but I would have ripped those boys a new one if I'd seen it. And tried to get some higher authority who gave a hoot. Sadly (so sadly) there's going to be that kind of activity just about anywhere you go. I know the cockfighting is bad around here, but at least there are a few officials here in OH that care. KY where I'm from, on the other hand..the cops are the ones placing bets..

Hi everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Easter,mine was rather upsetting. Checked n fed,watered at 9,they were all up eating n moving around;11 check was fine too. Went to Easter gathering with family at noon returned at 4,my head hen was down with her head in corner. Grabbed her out of coop to go to barn to look her over. Vary pale,still and no growls, black giant hen who hates being held.Checked her over no injuries but she didn't want to walk and vent area pulsed. Filled tub with warm soapy water to soak her and she convulsed and died before I was able to soak her. So bummed,was the biggest girl I had,just a year old. I am so confused,she went from fine to gone in hours.:(

So sorry for your loss. :( :hugs I wish I knew what got to her, but I have a hard time keeping all these darn poultry illnesses straight. Did you check (post-mortem perhaps) to see if she was egg-bound? Perhaps you could have her necropsied to make sure it isn't anything that will affect the others.
Do sad cabinchicky. I hope someone on here can supply am idea of what may have been wrong.

shaybaby. It was five teens. Three boys. Two girls. And I assure you. If I had not had my small children with me I would have been much more likely to act. However, being from the city I know that people with no moral value are unlikely to care about people, and I was not about to risk my kids safety. I doubt anything would have been done about it anyway considering it was right out in the open. Not at the back of the parking lot. But rather right outside if the fence. I was in the fence and saw them. So I think it may have been the vendor parking lot?
Thank you i am so upset over this.I was thinking she was egg bound but sadly didn't get the chance to check before she passed. She lived a good life and was my boss of the coop.I can't figure out how fast she went down hill. She had been fine the past week,I found no signs of problems. I spend an hour at least with them daily checking them.She passed in my arms and once gone she prolapsed, so I figure she was bound.Hubby took her and buried her right off so no chance to do more post checking.Will miss her growling and stink eyeing me.
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I have not seen hide nor hair of our fox of last week. The two injured Jersey Giants hens that survived have stopped eating, so i suspect that they have decided to give up.

I did chase on foot when it happened, and I think that surprised the fox. That may keep him away for a bit. We have a BIG red shouldered hawk that will come back every day and pick one off if it has a chance.... Shot an arrow in her direction and she disappeared for a few weeks, too. (No, I wasn't trying to hit her)

I went an bought a 6 month old Large Lavender Orpington rooster today at the. Medina TSC animal swap....judging by the way he reacted to my French bulldog just walking by, a fox is in for a real surprise should he decide to mosey back.....

Haven't seen our fox again either. We chased ours on foot also, DH even took a shot at it, but missed. Thankfully, the fox was not successful. We didn't lose any. Yesterday we set up the fiberglass ? fence posts and tied aluminum pie pans to them all along the back of the chicken lot and beyond. As the breeze/wind blows the pans clank against the posts. The sun also shines off of them like mirrors. I also have the cheap whirligigs from the dollar store we stuck in the ground. They are large flower shaped ones. Hopefully this will deter predators. We tried this last year and extended it around our garden and we didn't see fox and the racoons didn't get any of our corn. They have taken most of our corn for several years and this is the first time they haven't gotten any, not 1 ear! We did trap 1 racoon, but no more. I'm not sure if this method is what worked, but it is the only thing we did different. Last year we also put the cheap solar lights down behind the chicken lot. I put two together in different spots and at different levels to resemble predator eyes at night. I've read this works. Like I said, it seemed to work for us last year. Will see if it works this year.
Hello all and happy easter! Long story short was at tractor supply yesterday getting some things.well of course i stop by the chicks have never bought any there before. But there were chicks marked down older feathering in. Well a mother and her untuly children were looking at them and were going to get them . Sales clerk asked if they wanted feed or a heat lamp. The mother said no they are for easter decorations. She said lemme think a few and i will be back. Ok so upset yes i brought seven chicks home. The asst bantams are silkies black blue skin five toes. The others are buff brahmas. Any ways tips on sexing them? I know the silkies are hard but the brahmas some are lighter some darker. Any tips? I report they are happy and healthy in my nursery coop under heat and enjoyed some fresh grass today! I am a sucker for an animal in need!

I'm so happy you rescued them!! People sometimes just go on whims without any thought to the welfare of the animals.
Thank you i am so upset over this.I was thinking she was egg bound but sadly didn't get the chance to check before she passed. She lived a good life and was my boss of the coop.I can't figure out how fast she went down hill. She had been fine the past week,I found no signs of problems. I spend an hour at least with them daily checking them.She passed in my arms and once gone she prolapsed, so I figure she was bound.Hubby took her and buried her right off so no chance to do more post checking.Will miss her growling and stink eyeing me.
So sorry to hear your sad news....I can really relate as I had one of my one year old blue copper marans pullets come up really lame on her left leg...checked her out thoroughly and found nothing--no swelling, breaks, anything unuque from the right leg, seemed to be upper leg so I thought possibly she landed wrong when jumping down from the roost or something and thought in a couple of days she should improve. Totally wrong, she could get around but it wasn't pretty, then after about three days she took a turn for the worse, comb went pale and within 24 hours she was gone. I have no clue what happened, no signs of illness, clear eyes to the end, no swollen vent/belly, messyr rear end. Suspect internal situation as she hadn't laid an egg for a few days--maybe one broke inside? That combined with her bad leg took her down quickly.
I knew she wasn't going to last when her whole demeanor changed, made me pretty sad--helpless. Up till then she'd looked normal, just not getting around. And I too buried her that afternoon, no necropsy. The rest of the flock is fine, happily laying and thrilled to be out in the yard for some free ranging. Sad to make it through the rough winter and die as spring arrives.

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