OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

How was being vaccinated a bad thing? What happened?
What was it vaccinated for?  I do ask if they were Marek's vaccinated-sometimes.  Although I think all the reading I have done, it's kind of like the flu shot.  They either get it, or they don't.  The vaccination may lessen it, but it doesn't guarantee they wont get it.  Right?
you are right in vaccines are a good thing. The problem with bird vaccine is it doesn't work like vaccine in mammals. Say I vaccinate 1 out of my 7 horses. Great, that 1 shouldn't get those diseases I vaccinated for while the others still have a greater chance of catching them, but still that horse won't pass that disease just because he is vaccinated. Some poultry vaccine can be passed just like the disease to a non vaccinated bird. In the case I'm referring to a whole flock became infected with ILT because they purchased a bird at Lucasville that was vaccinated for ILT and they did not know it. Quarantined the bird, seemed healthy. Put it with the rest of the flock and they all became infected with ILT. In this case they had to put the entire flock down to stop the spread. If they would have brought in more new uninfected birds, they would have also caught it.
So that vaccine may not have been a "killed virus" vaccine?

I had no idea! So, if I'm getting a few cockerels that are vaccinated for Mareks, how long do I isolate? Or do I go ahead and give my little flock the vaccine too?
So that vaccine may not have been a "killed virus" vaccine?

I had no idea! So, if I'm getting a few cockerels that are vaccinated for Mareks, how long do I isolate? Or do I go ahead and give my little flock the vaccine too?
Generally mereks is safe to run vaccinated and non vaccinated together.
Josh might kill me, but I just traded some stuff and delivery in exchange for svart hona eggs! Ahhhhhh, I'm so happy!
So, if erring on the cautious side do you vaccinate your birds for whatever the new birds have been vaccinated for?

I have horses, so I get your analogy...had no idea inter mixing vaccinated with non (or non recently?) vaccinated would cause such a problem. Thanks for the info! Research into vaccines now ensues

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