ok, give me the bad news...

How old is it? My RIR scared me for a while because it developed hackle feathers and a few curling saddle feathers at 20 weeks, but then it proceeded to lay eggs.

If it 's a young chicken, say 10 to 15 weeks, I'd say it's definitely a rooster. But if it's right around the time of maturity, I'd withhold judgement until you get an egg or a crow.
They are the feathers immediately in front of the tail. Hackles feathers are the feathers on the neck. In males of normal feathered breeds, they grow longish and pointed.
I agree with Pattycake. I'd wait for an egg or a crow.

I think that EEs are the hardest to sex at times. To look at the feathering, I thought I had two roos in the last hatch but I have one of each.

Saddlefeathers or not, that overall tail area is tight and in my experience, the tighter those feathers, forming what I call 'praying hands' (because we pray for pullets???) - the more likely the bird is to be female.

Good luck! Beautiful bird!

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