***OKIES in the BYC III ***

When I caught one of my dogs tearing feathers off a chicken, with several other dead chickens around, I did something I never thought I would do... I dragged each of my dogs to those chicken carcasses and beat them mercilessly. I cried while I did it. There are many who would say I was cruel, but I have a neighbor who would shoot my dogs dead if they ever looked twice at any of his livestock, as would many of the people who live in my area. I can't take any chances that they will develop a taste for killing chickens. After that horrible day, I made sure to take the dogs inside the chicken pen with me every chance I could, and would reward them for good behavior. As I got to trust them with that more, I would toss down chicken treats and scold the dogs for trying to get them, then reward them for good behavior. I made sure to pick up and hold and pet the chickens in front of them regularly so they could see the chickens were part of my pack. I would put my face close to the chickens, like a dog would when sniffing another dog, and participate in pack behaviors with the chickens. At first if the dogs were anywhere in the vicinity of the chickens I would growl, and later, if I ever found the dogs staring at the chickens, I would growl. Seriously. Growl. You're the packleader, and you have to speak to them in a language they understand. I think we've finally reached a point of peace. I almost had a heart attack the other day when I saw one of my chickens get up on the porch with the dogs after I put dogfood in the bowl, and start pecking in it, but the dogs didn't do a thing. I've watched the chickens scratch for bugs in the leaves between the legs of my dogs. I still won't leave the chickens out to freerange when I'm not home, but now I have no issues with going inside to clean while they're out roaming.
Okay I've gone back and forth over this project all day, mostly back, as in I hate it. I now have the blocks in place in the whole cloth, it isn't what I had pictured in my head when I started this project. I don't exactly hate it at this point, but don't love it either. If it's blah to me b/c I don't like modern contemporary I can live w/ that, but if it is b/c it is poorly executed modern contemporary that is another story.

Kass, I am no longer having the issues that I was with this. Hard to see the full vision in just a piece. You certainly have the contrasting effect here. I can appreciate more the hard modern lines in the buildings and how they support the contrast. With the larger background, the print in the numbers is no longer so 'distracting?" Will the recipients understand what you were going for in the soft elegant classical (brocade?) to the modern geometric architecture of the city scape? If not - you might explain a bit and then they have a better chance of appreciating the 'artistry' involved. This ain't no paint by numbers!
Ok I have several questions today.

I have several 24 x 24 x 18 in wire rabbit cages can I use these fir anything with the chickens? I have bantams not LF

I have a beautiful but mean rooster. He attacks me and the kids every time we go in the coop unless we are carrying a big stick. He also sounds a loud alarm even if he sees us outside so the rest of the flock is running from us. I have 6 babies from him that were born Easter. Should I get rid of him he is the only adult roo I have but honestly I only have 1 laying hen right now. Everyone else are young'uns

Could I seperate him from the flock in maybe a cage or small pen? Would he be easier to handle?
Ok I have several questions today.

I have several 24 x 24 x 18 in wire rabbit cages can I use these fir anything with the chickens? I have bantams not LF

I have a beautiful but mean rooster. He attacks me and the kids every time we go in the coop unless we are carrying a big stick. He also sounds a loud alarm even if he sees us outside so the rest of the flock is running from us. I have 6 babies from him that were born Easter. Should I get rid of him he is the only adult roo I have but honestly I only have 1 laying hen right now. Everyone else are young'uns

Could I seperate him from the flock in maybe a cage or small pen? Would he be easier to handle?
I would cull him
Lots of good roosters out there.

As for the rabbit cages, if you replace the 1"x1/2" bottom with quarter inch mesh, you could breed quail :)
Ok I have several questions today.

I have several 24 x 24 x 18 in wire rabbit cages can I use these fir anything with the chickens? I have bantams not LF

I have a beautiful but mean rooster. He attacks me and the kids every time we go in the coop unless we are carrying a big stick. He also sounds a loud alarm even if he sees us outside so the rest of the flock is running from us. I have 6 babies from him that were born Easter. Should I get rid of him he is the only adult roo I have but honestly I only have 1 laying hen right now. Everyone else are young'uns

Could I seperate him from the flock in maybe a cage or small pen? Would he be easier to handle?

Is he young? I would separate him in his own pen for a few months while his hormones settle down- is that the duccle?

i use the that size cage for seramas- and can be used as broody breakers too
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Ok I have several questions today.

I have several 24 x 24 x 18 in wire rabbit cages can I use these fir anything with the chickens? I have bantams not LF

I have a beautiful but mean rooster. He attacks me and the kids every time we go in the coop unless we are carrying a big stick. He also sounds a loud alarm even if he sees us outside so the rest of the flock is running from us. I have 6 babies from him that were born Easter. Should I get rid of him he is the only adult roo I have but honestly I only have 1 laying hen right now. Everyone else are young'uns

Could I seperate him from the flock in maybe a cage or small pen? Would he be easier to handle?

24 x 24 x 18 cages...for bantams
Use as a broody cage for a bantam hen on eggs and for chicks first week. Put a paper bottom in to allow her to scratch and feed her chicks without the feed falling thru to the pan

House a single bantam cock bird...teach him to eat from your hand

Set up two cages to house a few chicks with a heat lamp hanging between them. Chicks can move away from the light if they get too warm.

Use as an isolation cage for either a sick bird.

or a bantam pair in quarantine.

That said..I have used the same size cage for the same reasons for single large fowl. 24 x 24 is four square feet. Use feed containers that hook onto the wire
It's weird at first he only attacked when I wore black. My barn coat is black but now it is everyday I may try to isolate him and work with him. I have lots of empty cages he can go into
It's weird at first he only attacked when I wore black. My barn coat is black but now it is everyday I may try to isolate him and work with him. I have lots of empty cages he can go into
Can you bring him into the house? If he were a house bird for a little bit, he would get a lot of exposure to you.

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