***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I don't need eggs bad enough to stick my hand under a chicken, ever.
I tried the vanilla scent last year w/o success, guess the Henryetta flies don't mind the smell of vanilla.
But I have read where others had success.
I tried the vanilla scent last year w/o success, guess the Henryetta flies don't mind the smell of vanilla.  :idunno   But I have read where others had success.

Oh no. We really need something to work. Ill try them anyway since theyre pretty cheap. Has anyone ever bought fly predators? If so did they work? We're thinking about ordering some.
Welcome to the new folks!
Kass, nice ties and need your recipe for Cherry Tea wine.

Need to see photos of the foot on the bird with bumble foot or blister.....the best treatments always seem to be the old tried and true ones...iodine and sugar along with penicillin.

Today i candled eggs under the broody hens and was surprised to only remove two eggs as not growing! I consolidated the hatches and then I moved 20 chicks to the barn and distributed them to the broody hens without eggs. three very happy girls. One was the Delaware Bantam that had her two earlier chicks in her cage with her while she brooded. She had scalped her first chick that hatched, so I removed the others to the brooder box for a day to gain strength while she sat on an egg in the nest. She was so happy to get her three babies.
Next I moved hens that had their chicks for a week from their cages to the floor. Eager moms were teaching chicks how to dust bathe and scratch for goodies in the dirt....so love having a deep litter floor when it is raining outside.

Some of the runs were so mucky, I had to make trenches for the excess water to seep out. Garden lime scattered about should help with the smell.
I cleaned cage trays and scrubbed all water and feed containers...the rain sure made for some muddy containers.

I'll have to get photos of the little family units running around the yards.

We had two calves born this morning...a little bull and a little heifer. Sure glad the mothers waited for a break in the rain.

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