*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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I thought the time change was tonight.................. so it is really 9:00 am is that right.

Ok been a while since I posted any recycling projects. So heres a new coop and yard we built for my Bantam Cornish. First we took Loading pallets from P&K John Deere or loading skids if you will. A shipping box used for parts. Some Old tin off of a rebuilt Barn. Some construction fencing I got out of a dump site. and Some Old left over pvc pieces from building our meat bird tractor. this is what the Finished Product Looks like and remember Dont Pollute when you can just recycle.






Worked the ground before I began Building. and there you have it another recycle job LOL
mornin all,
wow, it suddenly got quiet, then all at once, ducks, rooster, guinea hens, dogs barking, chickens cackling and cows in the pasture next door, suddenly went off at once. was real noisy, did I miss something?
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yep Al its really 9:15 . man did you sleep late or what...

LOL yeah I guess I did, fitfull night, didn't get much sleep, now I gotta get going and try to get something accomplished. I got egg's zipping now, 30 minutes ago nothing now I have a 1/2 doz getting jiggy wit it LOL, and 2 doz more that should also get busy today.

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yep Al its really 9:15 . man did you sleep late or what...

LOL yeah I guess I did, fitfull night, didn't get much sleep, now I gotta get going and try to get something accomplished. I got egg's zipping now, 30 minutes ago nothing now I have a 1/2 doz getting jiggy wit it LOL, and 2 doz more that should also get busy today.


Ironic Al my hatch is hatching now also. few more eggs then that but none the less same hatch day LOL
They seem to be a day behind this time go figure. I am hoping for a decent rate, and then try again at dual sexing. Feather sexing and vent sexing as day olds, I did it with the last hatch and I still have towait a few weeks before I can tell any results though.

The 2 young madagascar pullets only sold for $7 each. I was shocked! I wasn't actively bidding on any birds, because I already spent over my limit at the Guy Rose Auction on Betsy's awesome silkies, but had I realized they were going to sell so low, I would have bid on them

We had fun at the Guy Rose Auction in Perkins on Saturday morning and enjoyed visiting with Chris aka doubleostud, Betsy aka BetsyOK and meeting Richard aka Splitsocket. Richard, I loved how you described how you can use a silkie chicken for a feather duster
I can't remember how you said it, but that lady believed you!

I bought a couple of goats from Chris before the auction and Gerald bought junk at the junk portion of the Guy Rose Auction, and I bought some of Betsy's silkies! At noon, they had the hay sale and we bought a load of small bales of alfalfa for $3.10 a bale!!!! Our F350 was piled way too high to drive home, but by the grace of God, somehow we managed to make it. We got home in just enough time to grab hatching eggs to take to the Blanchard auction.

At the Blanchard auction, we saw a blue game rooster sell for ... I think $165 ???
I can't remember for sure but we were stunned.

We saw lots of great BYC Okies at Blanchard. Many regular faces, and some that we hadn't seen in a long time were Suzi and Vern, aka FunChick, Keith and Lou, aka Stimpy, KC and Donice, aka Chicklooker and OldMotherHen, and Misti and ..... well now I'm forgetting. Prices on most of the birds at the Blanchard auction went too low, since the place was flooded with birds. Ours sold OK, but probably half what they'd sell for at the Fletcher auction. We didn't leave until around 1:30 am .... actually it was 2:30 am because of Spring Forward, and they still hadn't sold all the birds yet and lots of the miscellaneous stuff hadn't sold yet. We would have left sooner, but were waiting to bid on some 16 foot livestock panels ... but that didn't work out.

I now have a horrible migraine headache that began last night at Blanchard & hasn't gone away yet. Too much auction excitement for my brain to handle in one day, I guess.
Edited because Carla posted about the Blanchard auction, so we now know it finished WAY past my bedtime and the madagascar pullets went cheap.
I considered going out there about 9:00 when I finished everything around here, but was so congested I felt horrible so took some Nyquil and went to bed before midnight. It looks like I could have gone out there and "enjoyed" several hours of auction. I have to confess that even this auction addict has trouble sitting through auctions that go past 10 pm.
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