Long live OKLAHOMA chicken farmers!!
Good to have you on board. I know Mounds well. I have many friends who live there or grew up there. The Keizors, the Carners and several others. I have two friends that teach at Mounds high school now.
Also sorry to hear about the school fire. How is everyone coping?
Hi Monty! Nice to meet you, thanks for the post. I don't have any kids in Mounds School at the moment, but my sister-in-law works there, and says that everyone seems to be doing well. It was good to get everyone back to class to a somewhat normal routine. My daughter graduated from Mounds in '05. Out of state now, she was shocked to hear the news. My little boy goes to Kiefer Schools because they have all day Pre-K and Mounds doesn't. So, we weren't directly affected, but what a sad thing!
Sorry, folks, please forgive the off-topic post. Now...back to chickens.......! What types do you have, Monty?
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Thanks for the reply. Glad to hear that things are getting back to normal at least somewhat. Did your daughter know the Hensley twins? They graduated in 06. Their mom Denise is a history teacher there. She is a long time friend of mine.
As for chickens I have some of several breeds. I have really downsized in both breeds and the numbers of chickens that I have had in the past. I have Wesummers, Buff Orpingtons, Gold Campines and a few of several other breeds. At one time I had breeding flocks of over 20 breeds. I haven't decided what my goals are for next year. I bred some very beautiful crosses this year but ended up losing most of them. I want to get more Marans. I have one feather legged Cuckoo Marans rooster and I will get some hens to mate with him. I also want more Welsummers. I have found that more is not always better. I had over 300 two years ago and I am now down to about 50. I want to try and stay with some pure lines but it is always so interesting to cross breeds and see what you get. I doubt if I can ever truly get away from that.
Sorry to ramble. What kind and chickens do you have?
FYI to all Okies out there. I posted a new topic listing all of the Okies that are on BYC. It is called Okies in the BYC. Please feel free to go there and add any information you want.
Yes, Whitney knows the Hensleys well, and she had Mrs. Hensley as a teacher. She just loved her.
As far as chickens go, I am "chicken-less" at the moment. Some neighbor dogs dug under our coop and killed all my babies a few months ago. But,we are moving soon and can't wait to start over with new chickens. I am ready to get over the horrible memories of that day and start fresh.
I've always had Australorps, RIR, and cochins of the standard breeds, and cochins, silkies, and frizzles of the bantam breeds, but can't wait to try some new varieties. I'm really interested in the Welsummers, Barnevelders, and Cuckoo Marans for the beautiful dark eggs. Would love to try my hand at those. I also love Wyandottes and Aracaunas. Haven't met a chicken breed I don't like really, although I had a bad experience with a Barred Rock named Jupiter when I was a kid!!!
I'd love to hear more about the Welsummers. Do you (or anyone else) recommend a good breeder for these?

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