
12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Tuttle, Oklahoma
HI from Tuttle. Where are you?

ALSO HI TO djwingo good to meet you too. I lived in Kellyville once years ago. My son was 3 then he is 19 now. My husband worked on repair on the Turner Turnpike. What kind of chicks to you have?
Hello, I am in Choctaw.I have Andlusians, Welsummers, Marans, Campines, Ameracaunas, Buff Orpingtons, and somes mixes. Nice to talk to another Okie. Monty
Hey Buckguy20 nice to here from you. I was starting to wonder if there were any other Okies out there. Is'nt this rain we've been getting nice for a change.

Do Buff Orpingtons do ok here with the heat we get?
Hi, I'm from Enid. right now we have 6 hens: (a couple years old) a silkie cross, 2 barred rocks, game hen, an unidentified white one, and a speckled sussex.

We also have 16 baby chicks: 8 RI Reds, and an assortment of exotics we got from a friends order including a blue andalusian, turken,maybe an aracauna, delaware, black faced spanish (?) and a couple others I can't remember right now.

I know more people in OK keep chickens, but I guess they don't do this board, if they do any at all.
Yes the rain is great. Much better than the drought the last two years. My Orpingtons have always done ok with the heat. Shade and fresh water and they will be fine. I didn't lose any chickens due to the heat last summer , even in the 110 days.
I would think there are several Okies on here. There are quite a few on the Chicken 101 site. I wish there was an Oklahoma site just dedicated to poultry. I am on the Okie Pioneer group and it is intersting but it is about everything involved with the farm and homesteading. Lots of good people and some interesting reading.
Good to talk to ya'll.
Hey everyone! Nice to meet you all:) as she said earlier djwingo aka chicken addict is me and i am in kellyville

i have 3 german spitzhaubners...and 3 mixed bantams in te coop i have 2 unknown chicks that wee hatched at our elementary school here....2 ducks a rabbit and 2 dogs and a cat lol

i for one dont like the rain lol we coach a teeball team the Kellyville Outaws and just got rained out of our game last night ....our team is udefeated this year ad we were supposed to play the only other undefeated team in our league

would anyone happen to know where i can get some hatching eggs in oklahoma? i found a # for someone in paper but the # was disconected !
I was in Attwoods the other day and the girl in charge of the chickens had chickens of her own. {imagine that}She had fertile eggs. You might ask there or feed store if they know anyone. I was looking for some and got some at Marys flea market in OKC. At least I hope they were fertile. Should know by Sunday. My hen has been sitting faithfully. I have been waiting. The waiting is hard. Wish I had asked on this site when I was looking.

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