Olandsk Dwarf Chickens

Both my olandsk dwarfs had the same size wing feathers. The smaller, solid yellow one was the roo.best way to check is the vent. Thought they might not show differences at that age, I noticed my female olandsk dwarf had a vent twice the size of the male... Compare the vents and let us know. I thought tht the one thats bending was th male because comb looks longer than the others
interesting!!!! i will get back to you!
Got 16 Eggs from Greenfire into the incubator yesterday!! So excited! Plus one gorgeous 6 wk old hen from "seabrightsrock" at Black Walnut Farms. We originally got the OD hen to keep my wife's lone Serama chick - (only hatch out of 50+ eggs) company. Then I fell in love - so sweet, and very strong motherly characteristics - took over as the "mom" for our serama even though she was only a little chick herself!!

I can't wait to hatch out this batch of eggs and move forward from there!!

Maybe I'm biased, but I think he's handsome.

I feel really lucky to have found someone breeding them locally.

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I finally let my 3 OD babies play with my 7 standard chicks (2 black copper marans, a buff chanceler, a buckeye, a partridge Plymouth Rock, doubled laced barnevelder, $ a silver laced Wyandotte). Getting along fine and BOY do these little buggers stand their ground!!!!
I think he is very handsome too. May I ask where you found some locally. I am only 1 state over & am trying to acquire some of these beauties.
I got mine from Jon Grice down in San Diego, he's usually known for his White Bresse. He's selling off most of his breeds but I think WFF (a bycer) is handling his egg/chick sales now:
Your photos are amazing! Makes me want to go take photos of my chickens!

Thank you! I think chickens are way easier to take pictures of than people. I had to refill the waterer (my chickens are at a friend's house) on the way home from a newborn photoshoot so I had my camera ready. But man, DUSTY. You need a clear filter for sure!
I got mine from Jon Grice down in San Diego, he's usually known for his White Bresse. He's selling off most of his breeds but I think WFF (a bycer) is handling his egg/chick sales now:

Thank you! I think chickens are way easier to take pictures of than people. I had to refill the waterer (my chickens are at a friend's house) on the way home from a newborn photoshoot so I had my camera ready. But man, DUSTY. You need a clear filter for sure!
Opps! I was looking at the location of someone who quoted your post that was in TN. Thanks anyway.
I have a confession to make. I have olandsk/bantam dark cornish eggs in the incubator.

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