Olandsk Dwarf Chickens

This is my handsome roo, Prince. He's about 3.5 months old. He is the size of a small dove right now. He has the cutest little crow! I was very lucky my straight run purchase of 5 resulted in 4 girls and only 1 roo! These are absolutely gentle souls and are beautiful to look at. They are currently housed with 13 large fowl in a huge coop but my flock free ranges so the pecking is kept to a minimum. I have a French Copper Maran rooster who is head honcho and so far he has not picked on any of the little ones.

I found this land race by accident and now owning some- I think everyone needs to have at least 3! They are really sweet, graceful souls.

Greenfire Farms doesn't like bantam breeds in general because of their spookiness, flightiness, etc. But they really really liked the Olandsk Dwarfs for their personableness, gentleness, calmness as a bantam breed and wrote a very nice article about them which I can't find now. But I thought that was something nice for GFF to be unusually kind to share their feeling about the OD's sweet nature. I entertained having OD's at one time but was gifted a couple Silkies which are another cute and funny breed. I want so many different breeds and have so little room!
Greenfire Farms doesn't like bantam breeds in general because of their spookiness, flightiness, etc. But they really really liked the Olandsk Dwarfs for their personableness, gentleness, calmness as a bantam breed and wrote a very nice article about them which I can't find now. But I thought that was something nice for GFF to be unusually kind to share their feeling about the OD's sweet nature. I entertained having OD's at one time but was gifted a couple Silkies which are another cute and funny breed. I want so many different breeds and have so little room!
Anyone that finds bantams to be spooky or flighty is getting them from the wrong place, or the wrong breed. I have cochins, silkies and ameraucana bantams and they are all tamer and sweeter than the LF. It's not that the LF are spooky, just that the bantams are so not that way. My lavender ameraucana bantams will all come sit in the doorway while I am tending to them, begging for a treat. If I put one on my arm, she will sit there until she feels her treat opportunities are better somewhere else. They are the tamest and calmest chickens I have ever owned, even better than silkies, which are basically the "lap dogs" of the chicken world.

No, bantams are not flighty, they just lay smaller eggs. I can't think of any other reason they are not better than LF. Perhaps a bit easier for predators to take, but that's easily fixed with secure housing.
Anyone that finds bantams to be spooky or flighty is getting them from the wrong place, or the wrong breed. I have cochins, silkies and ameraucana bantams and they are all tamer and sweeter than the LF. It's not that the LF are spooky, just that the bantams are so not that way. My lavender ameraucana bantams will all come sit in the doorway while I am tending to them, begging for a treat. If I put one on my arm, she will sit there until she feels her treat opportunities are better somewhere else. They are the tamest and calmest chickens I have ever owned, even better than silkies, which are basically the "lap dogs" of the chicken world.

No, bantams are not flighty, they just lay smaller eggs. I can't think of any other reason they are not better than LF. Perhaps a bit easier for predators to take, but that's easily fixed with secure housing.

As sweet as bantams are (I've had Silkies for 6 yrs) they aren't everyone's cup of tea. Greenfire has many pens of different breeds and they probably found the bantams more spooked when entering their pens for care and feeding. Which is why I thought it was nice that Greenfire mentioned how calm and nice they found OD's compared to other bantam breeds they housed which they didn't happen to like. Owners of OD's have mentioned how incredibly calm OD are too. I tend to believe the reviews and owner comments that little OD's are particularly sweet for bantams and would be my first choice had I not already had Silkies. I like Silkies because of the good size egg they lay compared to bantams of smaller sizes -- and I use them to have frightened visitors hold them to see that not all chickens will attack you
. I imagine the little OD's would be just as sweet. I happen to have a very small group of hens, no roos, that we socialize in-house sometimes, so my girls are friendly no matter what breed -- almost pesty to a fault
. I have found, however, that there are some breeds, whether LF or bantams, that are naturally more social/friendly/outgoing/unafraid than some other breeds that take a little more time to socialize. Our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana was a kooky spooky wary alert cautious bird -- sweet and non-combative -- and we adored her gentleness but human interaction was not a natural instinct, it came with time. Leghorns and Marans are nice birds for eggs but human touch was something they were shy about and came to sit with us or take hand treats on their own terms. However, we've had Breda and Dominique and these breeds naturally are curious and outgoing and unafraid from chicks. There are always exceptions but it's just the type of experience that happened with us.
You have a lovely little flock! And what a lucky hatch to only have one male. I'm still l

hatching eggs and had a couple pop out yesterday for Christmas. I've raised this breed for years and totally agree with you per their calm nature and hardiness. They have a 'old soul' sort of look in their eye's that I've not seen in any of my other breeds. Truly my favorite chickens here on the farm.
Yes, they are dainty but not meek, curious and beautiful. They can handle themselves amongst my 14 large fowl. I love the fact they love living together as a big flock and the males get along. I was actually going to give away my rooster but seeing him now, cute as can be and a great protector. ..no way! I will actually be breeding him in a few months because my friends fell in love with this breed and wants a bunch of them! Praying for a few broody hens also! Incubating eggs is hard and Ive been pretty unsuccessful. I also want more of them because they take up absolutely no space, are quiet and their colors adorn the backyard.

Congratulations on your Christmas babies!
Prince has been actively pursuing Lizzy. Which means I will have our first eggs within 2 weeks! Lizzy's face is also turning bright red and she's also fuller looking too. I'm so excited though I'm surprised it's happening so soon. They're only 4 months old.
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These are my Thanksgiving hatch, growing fast! I definitely have one roo... and maybe a second, but the remaining 6 are all girls. I love this breed :)


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