Old and Rare Breeds

For those that don't know:

If you want to improve fertility in your birds then pull the feathers around the vent of both cock and hens. A 2 to 3 inch diameter area that is clean will help you greatly. Also, make sure that after doing so you dust the birds well with Sevin before placing them in the breeding pens.
My first hatch was 12/30 & set more on the first. While mine are small hatches right now, it's a start to something bigger! Guess I'll need to pull out my barber shears after they go to bed tonight. LOL! Thanks for the words of wisdom!
I hope everyone has their breed pens setup or is at least thinking about them.

We had our first hatch yesterday. I set eggs every Saturday; so, we should be hatching each week until either Easter or Ascension Day. I had the Pox late and that set my hens back at least one month. Hatches at this point are small.

First hatch included:
Lemon Blue Games
Brown Red Games
Secret Asil Project
yep I am getting eggs from my crele penedesenca and have a friend test hatching. ( we are moving this week) Next week I will set any eggs I get this week as they should stop laying once I move I am sure.
My empordanesa hens should be getting a new rooster soon and then I will have them seperated again. I will be behind on them but at least should be able to hatch by summer at the latest.
The incubator gets cranked Thursday evening. I thought I was going to need lights on the Catalanas to get them up and going, but they are outlaying the NHs. I was telling someone that I think they are happy to be moved south.

I have to wonder just how secret this Asil project is, lol.
I would not mind getting some of those Catalanas this year. I think I might be getting some from Sand Hill with my Black Penedesenca order so may be nice yo get some more.
I would not mind getting some of those Catalanas this year. I think I might be getting some from Sand Hill with my Black Penedesenca order so may be nice yo get some more.

There is a man that keeps Catalanas in California. He started with Ideal, but he has worked with them for around five years. He "created" some bantams to. He would be a lot closer. I will ask him if I can give you his contact information, and pm it to you. Are you in in the North or South?
There is a man that keeps Catalanas in California. He started with Ideal, but he has worked with them for around five years. He "created" some bantams to. He would be a lot closer. I will ask him if I can give you his contact information, and pm it to you. Are you in in the North or South?

ok nice. I am in Norcal. East of Sacramento. I am going to the large Stockton show later this month.
Saladin, Are you saying pluck ALL the feathers or just the larger feathers from around the vent? I was advised to leave the sperm feathers at the lip of the vent. And it is plucking vs clipping. I was advised that clipping the feathers leaves sharp edges that can injure the rooster. would you agree with that advice?
I hope everyone has their breed pens setup or is at least thinking about them.

We had our first hatch yesterday. I set eggs every Saturday; so, we should be hatching each week until either Easter or Ascension Day. I had the Pox late and that set my hens back at least one month. Hatches at this point are small.

First hatch included:
Lemon Blue Games
Brown Red Games
Secret Asil Project
Yeah working on it here we are just now getting winter weather here in Louisiana always last of Dec. and thru Jan. is our worst. Thing is very cold nights and then the days will warm up so much, sometimes as much or more than 30* and it plays heck with the incubators even indoors (central controlled unit). The temps fluctuate too much so I generally will start collecting up around Feb.1 and try to get things kicked off around Valentines day(good round numbers and easy to remember too) LOL + 'tis to seem to be the appropriate season for such activities
(the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees) are all getting tuned-up 'bout then LOL I don't show in the fall so I don't have to have the youngin's in shape by then just would like for them to be going into the short days right at POL age or close enough to take on some of the duties as the elders are going into molt is my reasoning and goals. Plus I think they grow off better during the springtime months and right before it gets hottern the gates of Hades here too(bout mid June) But then I let Mother nature take over and let those broodies take on such chores and do all the hard work and I've found these broody reared chicks to be some of the best, there a lot to this.(Survival of the fittest/Natural selection process) I've found.

Saladin, Are you saying pluck ALL the feathers or just the larger feathers from around the vent? I was advised to leave the sperm feathers at the lip of the vent. And it is plucking vs clipping. I was advised that clipping the feathers leaves sharp edges that can injure the rooster. would you agree with that advice?

Good point... No shears

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