Old and Rare Breeds

now you are telling me this guy could not take about any predator

We made our coops really secure...1/2" hardware cloth covering every opening bigger than 1" and our fences are all electric but we are also getting a livestock guardian dog on Saturday that our goat breeder has been trainng up for us for the last 6 months.

Unfortunately she doesn't free range her chickens. so I am worried that my new guardian might take out a couple of chickens before I figure out how to train her. Anyone know a good way to train a dog to guard the chickens? We had to go this route because we have coyotes killing the goats. and I am hoping in the long run that she will be a great added security measure, but the short term might be painful

she is a Karakachan.
now you are telling me this guy could not take about any predator

Oh yes, those must be the Texas chickens my husband has been telling me about. I hear they get up to 7' tall! (he also tells me about wild elephant herds in West Texas, and wonderful Jackalopes they used to hunt as children!) Everything is bigger in Texas (Taller too, just look at their tales?!?!?!
Good one, I must be a little slow this morning, took me a while. I was thinking "that rooster's tail isn't that tall".

LOL, my "duh" sense of humor, I'm so full of it

Rockashella, I don't think there is anything wrong posting information like that, in fact, that's what this place is for, sharing of info, especially on regulations. I haven't read that yet, gonna now...

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