Old and Rare Breeds

Oh, well, I was never good at reading bureaucratic mumbo jumbo....
It's more painful than going to the dentist!
OH dear, I've been really bad. I discovered my boys (a crevecoeur cockerel and sultan cockerel) love my pound cake! Today they ate a whole bunch of it, with the kids having a jolly ol time feeding them. Are they going to get sick?
What should I look out for?
OH dear, I've been really bad. I discovered my boys (a crevecoeur cockerel and sultan cockerel) love my pound cake! Today they ate a whole bunch of it, with the kids having a jolly ol time feeding them. Are they going to get sick?
What should I look out for?

I would get them some plain unsweetened yogurt with several different strains of beneficial bacteria in it. The sugar in your cake will kill a lot of the bacteria already in their gut so the yogurt will help replenish it. You can give to them directly or mix it into their food before serving. They may develop diarrhea from eating the cake. Keep the yogurt at about a tablespoon each. If they haven't had it before, start slow because it can overwhelm their system and cause diarrhea too. It is perfectly safe, just don't overdo it. A tablespoon is good, depending on the size of the bird. My Andalusians are everywhere between 6 and 8 pounds and they can eat a tablespoon very quickly, but they're used to it. If you're not comfortable with that, just give a teaspoon or two but at those lower amounts, you could give them the same amount for both their morning and evening feedings.
Good advice! Thank you! Wish I checked in last night already. but hopefully they'll be ok!

I feed them yogurt as often as I can, so they are used to it (and love it) But just in case, I'll limit the amount to a tablespoon each :) Thanks again!
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