Old and Rare Breeds

I have a question that has been floating around my head for awhile now, maybe y'all can answer it. If a breed is known for laying a certain color of egg, like the croad langshan[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] is/ or was for purplish eggs, why are breeders not worried about keeping the egg color and are breeding away from this trait? I have been told be a good breeder of langshans that there's none of the purple egg layers here and the breeders over seas are breeding away from it also. I had read where true amerucanas only laid blue eggs a few years ago. Now they are saying blue or green. In my mind if a breed is known for a certain egg color, why breed away from it? Or am I just missing something about it all? Thanks for any input on this question of mine.[/FONT]
I can't speak for other breeds but the earliest texts I can find referencing Langshans (and therefore what eventually became the Croad Langshans when they bred the three "styles" {Modern, Croad and German}) doesn't mention purplish eggs, so I'm assuming it was just something that was selected for at some point. Which for that breed at least means I don't consider egg color that important anymore than brown. Over the years I had some that laid a purplish tint, and had some that laid very dark brown (guess that makes some sense due to the Langshan being used to create the Maran) and quite a few that laid brown with darker brown specks. In general I think that people get way too obsessive about egg color and it lends itself to just another "fad".

For what it's worth the APA standard still says blue eggs only on Ameracaunas. Again though I think confirmation and productive capabilities are far more important than egg tint. (Color is important but shade of that color is not in my mind, but that's just a personal preference)
I think it will shortly... The president and Vice president stated publicly on the groups face-book wall that they where not going to cooperate with the APA at all... That they where going to wright there own new standard based on and in cooperation with the English Sussex club... They are also going to do genetic testing and register there "pure" flocks of the members. I know of at least 5 ppl that left the club in protest and at least one of there Directors has also resigned... i don't really think they will go anywhere from here at all... I just want the best for the breed and throwing the APA SOP that has been around for 100+ years out and starting a new one is going to mess the breed up for the next 50+ years IMHO... I only have SS and have only been breeding them for 2 years so i am a newbie in the breed... but i know that there needs to be a voice of reason and promoting the USA APA SOP that we have had for a long time... Just My Humble Opinion...
lol my ??? is who and how they will decide what is a pure line to began with??? i would think that each strain/line will have its own unique genetics's so if u take 2 "pure" lines of light Sussex that have never been crossed will they be smilier enough to even be called the same breed... and once u have identified a pure line of that color what is the procedure for getting another pure line added??? or will there only be one pure line per color???
Um... how will they do genetic testing? Is it well known where all the gene loci are or something? .... wait, I really don't want to know... LOL
The thing is, the modern Sussex is basically a re-creation anyway. Don't they know the history of their own breed? You can't cure stupid.
Hey guys I have a big question I just got this youg stag he's a asil but I do t know his type he stands up like a shamo but he's short and he has a Thai face ...? :/:( check in my gallery he's the little white stag
I don't quite understand the question? He seems to stand ok, his wings look like they're held a bit high though, and he does need some conditioning (a bit battered looking, LOL) But with TLC, he'd look ok, I think? But I'm not that experienced...so take that with a grain...
I think it will shortly... The president and Vice president stated publicly on the groups face-book wall that they where not going to cooperate with the APA at all... That they where going to wright there own new standard based on and in cooperation with the English Sussex club... They are also going to do genetic testing and register there "pure" flocks of the members. I know of at least 5 ppl that left the club in protest and at least one of there Directors has also resigned... i don't really think they will go anywhere from here at all... I just want the best for the breed and throwing the APA SOP that has been around for 100+ years out and starting a new one is going to mess the breed up for the next 50+ years IMHO... I only have SS and have only been breeding them for 2 years so i am a newbie in the breed... but i know that there needs to be a voice of reason and promoting the USA APA SOP that we have had for a long time... Just My Humble Opinion...

I am so confused
Are the American Sussex Association and the American Sussex Breeders two groups or the same group? I was invited to join the Sussex group on FB, did with no research (to my great chagrin), and now am horrified to see all this discussion of thumbing their noses at the APA, believing they can somehow require adherence to specific genetic makeup as if it could even be determined. Arrgh. I have always thought of Sussex folk as much like the breed - useful, even-tempered, and self-reliant. This apparent takeover of the breed club is very disconcerting.

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