Old and Rare Breeds

Stuff like that is full of pitfalls and roadblocks. If there is a will, there is a way. Might take time, or be exactly how you want it . . . but, it can be done.

Greenfire Farms makes money doing it regularly.
They have a large capital to start with, and import "Rare" and unheard of breeds, that are attractive. They really haven't imported anything that we already have here, with the exception of Sussex.
They have a large capital to start with, and import "Rare" and unheard of breeds, that are attractive. They really haven't imported anything that we already have here, with the exception of Sussex.
I am not sure what your point is. It is not clear.

My point was that if this is important to someone, they can get it done. It is not out of the realm of possibility. It is not illegal our outlawed yet. I would say if it is going to be done, to do it now. I suspect it will get harder.

I used Greenfire as a reference to that it is done semi regularly. Others have as well. Other than that, I do not care what they do. That is their business.

I have looked into it. It is quite a process, but I did not find it intimidating. The biggest part is getting someone on the other side that is as committed to the chaos as you are. That might cost a few dollars in addition to the already high costs. Then a lot of patience.

It does not require anyone special to do something like this, just someone committed. To each their own anyways.
For those of you interested in old and rare breeds of fowl: whether it be breeding, locating stock, or just an interesting read.

Many today refer to heritage or heirloom breeds of fowl. Nothing in the world wrong with those words; they are real eye-cathchers, but they are not well defined. Many times they are refering to Modern Breeds that have been created since 1900.

There are truly Ancient Breeds of fowl that are included in our APA Standard that need breeders across the country. These would include:




Old English (Large Fowl)



There are also many others that are not presently in the Standard.

Further, there are many Old Breeds which are excellent utility fowl that need help as well. These would include:






Red Caps



There are others too, but you get the pictures.

Some of the Modern Breeds that are in need of breeders include:





I'm in hopes that you'll write about the breed you keep or ask questions before you acquire stock.

Where a written standard for your breed of choice does not exist in the US, hopefully we will be able to provide you with one from the country of origin.
How would you place silkies and rapanui fowl in this scale. Which is a great way if viewing it. I am relatively new to conservation breeding since I have only been focused on it for about a year. Before that I just kept a flock of barnyard mixes. Now I have several projects and conservation flocks.

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