Old and Rare Breeds

I am going to try to start being a proper breeder this year.

I am starting with three breeds, going to see what I like and hopefully weed down to one or two.

I am a little worried since the only quality breeder of golden laced hamburgs who has responded to me, has gone over how aggressive his fowl are.

I suppose I can split up pens etc. But I very much hope that if I hatch a giant amount of them, that I will be able to get proper SOP birds that are a bit more mellow.

We shall see.
Hmm I would give them a shot
OMG this is the most hysterical post I have read in MONTHS!!! Thank you so much!!!! I had to catch my breath and make my way to the ladies' room before I had a serious accident - common in us old ladies!!! :) :) :)

Did you not see the signature block on my post??????


The sole owner/operator of the entire ranch. AND I AM A FEMALE. HAVE BEEN SINCE BIRTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've given birth twice, can PROVE it, and have EIGHT grandchildren!!!!

Yes, really, WOMEN can be ministers, doctors, livestock breeders, and actually own land in this country!!!!! :) :) :)

And I am married to a MAN!!!! Specifically, a wonderful, loving DAV (Disabled American Veteran) who was born in Germany to a Native American father who was serving in the military when seized as a spy and tossed into Auschwitz (he is seen in the footage of the first people walking out of that hell hole) who married a German spy - yup, there were lady spies in the 1940's in Europe!!! He spent his first 10 years of life in Europe, came to the US, served 20+ years in the US Army as SF based in Europe. We are NOT A GAY COUPLE. I am real tired of constantly being referred to on forums all over the Internet as a man, with the side note that I am a gay man married to a gay man. I have been denigrated repeatedly by members of BYC via private emails nearly every time I post somewhere with "good Christians" (Excuse me, I am an Ordained Minister!!!!) informing me what an abomination to the world I am flaunting my gay status in front of the world.

It gets tiring.

Now, back to BIRDS.

Yes, there is mottling in some of the birds in the Breda that came into the US. Nobody does a moment of research any more!!! I know EXACTLY where mottling comes from, I know what was imported and who the in Europe the birds came from and if anyone would bother to read the information in the various European breed clubs and actual written/published articles about the Breda, they would understand that not only mottling but some other exciting solid colors were in those imported lines - because that is what is in the birds when old folks in ill health spread their birds around their European bird clubs for further work.

I do indeed own the largest flock of breeding Bredas in the US. I take what I do with every breed very seriously, and I am working with many birds to bring out what is there already in each and every bird. I have white, I have mottled blues and mottled blacks and even some other interesting colors/patterns emerging...........all I had to do was ask some questions of the original European breeders to get all the tips I needed to start bringing it all back out. It takes work, something most American chicken owners are unwilling to do. Because of course it is far easier to point fingers and make fun of people never met, making assumptions about who they are and what they do and what their lives are all about.

I do thank you for the great laugh, after this miserable winter anything that makes me laugh that hard for that long is very welcome!!!

Everybody stay warm and dry, spring will arrive!!! Now, whether or not it will stay around for long is the question................ :)


I didn't automatically assume that you were a guy. I am a Veteran too. The Irish Queen of Battle, The Morrighan, was represented by the hoodie crow. Warbird is a very apt description of these birds as they would follow armies when they massed in anticipation of feeding on the dead. Interestingly the Bredas are called Kraainkopt in Europe (I think I misspelled that) translates Raven heads.

I will do more searching. I apparently failed to bookmark that site and maybe I am confusing the location with your place. I will check my PMs and Emails because I think I asked them about the cost of eggs. That's what happens when you do stuff like this at 2 am.
2 or 2 1/2, something like that.

If you don't make it, try the Sandlapper Show down in Barnwell. It's just a couple of weeks later. I'll be there too.

Praying for you daily.

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