Old and Rare Breeds

Hey guys im so happy i found this page im from n.c and started keeping chickens about 6 mnths ago i have a friend who had 2 major heart attacks in the past year and lucky me i did alot of work on my days off he is nolonger able to do and as appreciation he gave or rather paid me with 5 pure bred black shamos he worked on for 8 years because i was the only person he said he trusted to continue the quality he worked so hard for im proud as a brginner to have started so lucky anyway what id like to say is im highly interested in meeting someone reputable to incorperate new blood when its time for me to breed i have 2 broody hens sitting on about15 eggs at the moment i been amazed after taking my rooster yo a show last mnth with no clue about what to do. To prep , i didnt even bathe him haha just straight out the pen and didnt win a ribbon but was given best in breed of the 7 shamos that were there i found very established guys who raised shamos didnt like that fact at all and said very negative comments due to the fact my birds were given to a greenhorn when they had tried to aquire some of my friends bloodline on several occasions im not in it for money i love my birds and want to honor my friends years of hard work so its kinda gonna be tough to meet the right people i guess hopefully this site can help me in my quest i also have a very nice pair of non mixed sai pan i love dearly but have been bred very tight due to scarecity of the breed i have a bitty saipan thats their baby rooster but as i said i have no desire to breed back without new blood they are wheaton. I didnt realize when i got them they were so rare, if anyone has any info on a good standup honest person i could deal with id bee extremely appreciative. Also as my 3rd breed id love to find someone with pure good quality aseel or possibly ganoi. I. Could talk with ,again honest folks only and purebed only i may be new to this but what i lavk in experiance i make up for in research and integrity and i have several personal sourses that are there anytime when i have questions please respond if u have some info or just wanna talk birds im really passionate about my new family thanks a milliom for making this site available

Shamo are a fascinating breed with an interesting history. It seams that the best ones are on the West Coast.

Do not expect the Saipan to be received well in the crowd that keeps games. There are some enthusiasts around though.

If you PM me, I will give you some information to get you started, and going in the right direction. The birds that you have started with have a lot of history. You will enjoy learning about them. Good luck.
Saladin was at the Cape Fear show in December. I hope he returns for the next December show. He would be a good man to get in contact with on the birds. Good luck with them David.
Saladin was at the Cape Fear show in December. I hope he returns for the next December show. He would be a good man to get in contact with on the birds. Good luck with them David.
Thanks lacy i will definitely be at the show this year and would be thrilled to meet someone that shares. My passion. For the shamo even though im new to this i fully expect to be the dude. To see when it comes to the black shamo haha lofty goal but hey if u take on a project u should aspire to have the best not only looking but taking care for also glad u messaged me u are awesome u hear of anyone with sai pans urge them to. Contact me im ready to start a family of those again thank u
Im interested. In meeting and talking with anyone who raises and loves shamo and sai pan would love to take on the aseel breed also if they are pure and very good quality feel free to contact me i love planning on making an impact of having great quality birds im not in it for money just trying to breed the best for the future of my breeds for me and them im excited to hear from straight up reliabe people i. Take my birdd very seriously and am honest and trustworthy i expect anyone i deal with to be the same

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