Old and Rare Breeds

I would love to buy some bantam redcaps or bantam javas
Anyway I could see it?

I'd also like to see it. If you've already sent it to Henry I'll just bug him.

Edited to say I see Henry found it. So I will bug him about it.
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Here are some pictures that I took at Ohio Nationals -

La Fleche -
La Fleche Chickens have been bred for many years in the Valley of La Sarthe, where the town of La Fleche is located. The La Fleche Chickens originated from crossing of Black Spanish, Crevecoeur, and DuMan blood lines as evident by its high carriage, activity, large white lobes, V-shaped comb and the trace of crest on its head, which crops out on specimens of the French breeds. This is a general purpose fowl for the production of meat and eggs. The La Fleche skin color is white and lays around 180 White shelled eggs per annum. The average weight for the La Fleche is around 8 pounds for roosters and 6 ½ pounds for hens.

Modern Game

(not my birds)

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That does sound great, but if you want either one of those you'll have to make them yourself.

If you are serious about them and would like to know how to do that just post and one of us would be glad to tell you.
One of my sons raised LaFleche for 5 or 6 years. They are a great breed and I would highly recommend them. If I remember correctly they laid fairly well in the winter too. We only got rid of them because I needed more room for Asil and Cubalaya.

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