Old and Rare Breeds

so just a update. a few weeks back I had a pesky hawk that pretty much whipped out my empordanesa plan. He got my rooster.
such a bummer. he also got my icelandic rooster and a white icelandic hen.

I put my crele penedesenca breedersin a covered coop and run. have more white empordanesa eggs coming next week. hope to hatch a rooster and more hens.
I try and keep extra cockerels/ roosters as they say **** happens. It is more difficult to keep a bunch of males but you never know (I always have too many.).

I have been breeding Buckeyes for about six - seven years. I recently acquired a trio of La Fleche and have another trio on the way. La Fleche is definitely both an old and rare breed in need of good stewards. Looking forward to breeding and seeing what I can do with them.

Chris McCary

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