Old fashioned Broody Thread for Ducks

Well I just checked on duckling. No progress. So I carefully picked off some tiny shell pieces near the hole baby had already created. The inner membrane I left alone, just the shell I removed. I stuck the baby back under mom, I checked just a few minutes later, the baby was halfway out. I didn't get a very good look and no pics. The other gal is being very aggressive, even tho she's not sitting on any eggs at all. They did toss out 2 eggs that I candled and both were very liquidy, so I tossed those also. I am totally crazy but I considered buying 2 Khaki Cambell ducklings to stick under the other OL today at the feed store. There are still 2 or 3 eggs, they looked good when I candled, but I don't hear any peeps or other signs of hatch. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
I think this is a great thread and I already have muscovys and I love them
I just wanted to know what other ducks get broody?
Ur ducks are so cool! When ur duck is going to hatch her ducklings do u seperate the duck before she starts sitting on the eggs or when u are sure she is sitting on them and wants to hatch???
Ur ducks are so cool! When ur duck is going to hatch her ducklings do u seperate the duck before she starts sitting on the eggs or when u are sure she is sitting on them and wants to hatch???
My broodies pick a spot usually in their stall to brood which means she doesn't want company I do have 2 sets of ducks that will sit with each other but most of the time they want to be alone, last year when my Muscovy duck went broody I ended up putting her nest and eggs inside a large dog crate in my feed room, so she could have her privacy then right before hatch day I took her out of the large dog crate and put her outside while I gathered up as much of the nest I could and her eggs and put them into the small coop I use as hatching and first 3 weeks Meanwhile mama is usually grabbing a bite to eat bathing and pooping when she comes back to the large dog crate in the feed room I pick her up and take her to her eggs and new house. I have carried her nest and eggs there in a box and arranged this inside of her new spot. once she sees her eggs she goes right over rearranges them to her liking and settles down, now she is ready to hatch and take care of her ducklings with out interference from anyone. I have put up temp fencing around the out side of the small coop so all the flock can meet the ducklings and they can meet the flock but no one gets hurt.
Thanks for ur tips! So when u noticed she was setting u moved her?-(Is that correct)
When she committed i had to move her because she shares a stall with her 2 sister and 1 drake and she didn't want any of them in there with her, so she got moved into the large dog crate into my feed room till about 3-4 days before hatch day then I moved her to where I was going to keep her and ducklings for 3 weeks. after hatch.
Do you separate the ducklings at a certain age? when does she usually start laying again?
I let mama stay as long as she wants usually between 3-5 weeks depending on duck they are usually through with their part, and begin to lay again in a couple weeks.
we separated ours at 6 weeks which is now 15 days ago but haven't seen any eggs yet - her caruncles have turned back pretty red now though
they were separate for 2 weeks and now back together but rather a little flock of 8, not as mum and ducklings
we separated ours at 6 weeks which is now 15 days ago but haven't seen any eggs yet - her caruncles have turned back pretty red now though
they were separate for 2 weeks and now back together but rather a little flock of 8, not as mum and ducklings
If her carnucles are getting nice and red it won't be long and also the drake will hurry things along to by mating with her. Your mama ducks was still with her ducklings at 6 weeks? I've never had one of my Scovy ducks stay that long, Chicken yes but not the ducks.

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