Old Fashioned Skirts & Clothing

OMG that first one!! GORGEOUS!!!! But I just don't know if it would look good on me...
Try looking up 8 yeard skirt. That is what the first one is like the most. I have a few of them. They are my favs by far. Last 2 I got at walmart a few years ago. First one I ordered off a belly dancing clothing site. Search Gypsy or belly dance clothing for sites. Your other route is to get pattens and visit a local semstress. You can find them in your local yellow pages under sewing. She would be able to help you out alot.
Just don't try a big flowing skirt with a big flowing top - recipe for disaster. Only one big flowy item at a time, the other needs to be fitted!

Pick up the February issue of Glamour magazine, the Put it Together page is exactly what you're looking for.
I also love long skirts and can never find PRETTY ones for sale. I like beautiful and elegant prints, with no faddish nonsense.

So I have made my own a couple of times. I just went to Walmart and the fabric store for fabric, eyeballed it, and cut it out. You are supposed to take newspaper and make yourself a pattern and all. But I just wrapped the material around me and guessed.

Then I sewed it with some bought elastic (I like the wider waistbands). They turned out so-so, since it was a lot harder than I thought to sew the waistband. But they looked pretty if I didn't tuck my shirt in.

If you can master a simple elastic waistband somehow, then you have it made!!! The rest of the skirt is easy.

One warning though: there is a problem once the fabric shrinks in that it is kind of uneven sometimes. I would recommend prewashing and ironing your material if possible. I think this is called bias? I really don't know.

this might be helpful

My skirts definitely aren't professional looking. It would be worth looking some things up on internet to get good at it.
the bohemian look was really in a few years ago- peasant blouses, tiered skirts, all that fun stuff. i practically lived in those clothes for awhile. Skirts don't suit my body type, though, so i tend to avoid them these days. I would suggest looking at thrift stores for things like that, because they were in fashion not too long ago, so they shouldn't be too hard to find.

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