Omg! It's happening! My first time!

Ducks are so easy to keep! I enjoy them so much. My Khaki Campbell, who laid the babies, lays an egg almost every day. I think she has only missed 4 days in over a half a year.

Update! Baby with Spraddle foot is still alive and band-aid is helping! We tightened up the band-aid yesterday to get the feet in the right position. It worked like a charm! Thank you! :D

I gave up on the other 2 eggs, they were turning greeeeeeen.... :D
Glad it helped.I have a question, about ducks, how are they compared to chickens in terms of cleanliness? I know they have bigger poop and I've heard they are messy with water..
How exciting, let us know how it goes!
Never had chickens..But I know ducks are SO MESSY from personal experience. They stink, they poop....a lot, you can give them a tiny bowl of water and they will soak EVERYTHING around them and in a 5 foot radius. But they are also sweet, cute and full of personality. I wouldn't trade mine for anything!
Glad it helped.I have a question, about ducks, how are they compared to chickens in terms of cleanliness? I know they have bigger poop and I've heard they are messy with water..

Agreed, Messy messy messy but Very sweet and enjoyable. I love putting my pair in the bath tub and watch them frolick in the water. The poop is poop. My roo has bigger piles than my Drake. Their eggs are bigger and have more flavor. Contrary to what people think, they do not need water to survive but they will make a big mess when they have it. They do need a clean bedding in the coop since they sleep on the floor. They do better in wet yards (Like mine) than the chickens.
And If I may recommend a breed if you do get some, Khaki Campbells. They are one of the best layers and a sturdy bird. Mine lays almost every single day, only missed 4 days in almost a whole year.

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