On the term "show quality"

I agree completely. Even non-show quality, even on occasion, hatchery, birds sometimes produce spectacular offspring. Genes are so fascinating and sometimes, quite unpredictable. The odds of great offspring are greatly increased with excellent breeder stock that meets the Standard, but never guaranteed.

That's not entirely true. I think the Ameraucana club has something that involves the judging of eggs.

The Marans Chicken Club had an egg show at the Ohio National.

My local county fair also had an egg show. I can't remember exactly the guidelines, but they were allowed to be any kind of eggs, and you had to submit at least three. I'm assuming (I have no idea, just guessing) that you'd be demonstrating uniformity in size, color, texture, and shape among your exhibited group of eggs?
I will probably compete in the Maryland State fair eggs show and I would think win (unless peachick and Will bring eggs) I will probably enter Ameraucana eggs, Marans eggs, and Welsummer eggs.
Interesting thread. Actually, I don't have a problem with a seller claiming to offer eggs or chicks from "show quality" stock. al that literally means is that the parent stock is free from any disqualifications per the Standard Of Perfection.

In the 90's, I raised and showed rabbits on both a local and national level. I would enter 30 to 40 shows a year, and was very successful, and won a lot of Best of Breeds and Best in Shows, while entered in very deep, quality, competition. Over the years, I developed my OWN line of exhibition animals. I culled very hard, and eliminated anything with even the slightest fault, some of them were actually showable, but to my eye, not good enough. Over time, if you are managing your herd well, all of your animals look exactly the same, and culling gets harder and harder.

I would often sell excellent rabbits to other exhibitors, both for breeding and for showing. I was never afraid to sell a good one, worrying about that rabbit coming back to beat me on the judging table one day. After all, I had the source of these animals, and could make as many of them as I wanted. Sure, every once in a while a certain judge would pick one of my "sold" rabbits over one of my "new" entries, but not very often.

I supposed the point that I'm trying to make is the fact that not all of the animals that "big name" breeders sell are pet quality, or have DQ's. If you're doing your job as a breeder, you simply don't end up with a lot of those. If you are buying eggs or chicks from a breeder who is doing well on the show circuit, the chances are that you will end up with some great offspring. Someone has already done the hard work for you. It's now up to you to maintain that standard and strive to improve upon what you have through ruthless culling, and good flock management.

Now that I'm getting serious about chickens again, I'm thinking about showing them in the future. If I have any success, and decide to sell my offspring, I'll proudly offer them as "from show quality" stock. That is, after I do all the work that is required to be successful. JMHO & my 2 cents.
I had to correct this - I have a couple Ribbons for Egg Showing in PA- We have a couple Places here that no longer show polutry so they started Doing egg shows instead --
and of course there is the Maran Clubs which are now holding egg shows at a lot of venues --

I also remind you to use a watchful eye with Pictures after every show I get tons of requests for eggs from my winners - I do occasionaly sell eggs but One Bird is not going to supply all the eggs for an egg sale - ask if the eggs are coming from thte bird in the pic -
Also Show Quality has it's own issues if you purchase birds for show ask if it reproduces and if it does live cover ---
you know, i have show quality birds. show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality, show quality.

lol just saying it to annoy you
Well , I can't wait to get back at you and annoy the pants off you all day Saturday!!!!! Your name tag won't be "Grant", it'll be Annoying-Grant. This is Grant>>>>>>
It really grinds my gears that judges are letting people get by with showing OBVIOUSLY production-type birds because they don't want to "get into it" with the owners.

Ridiculous. Now you have people just flat up thinking they have the best thing around and find out later on that they've been lying to people when they start actually looking into breeding that breed.

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