One less chicken killer! : ) kinda graphic

Ok, so normally I'm all "Look it's an evil chicken killing possum, get the gun!" But this summer a neighbor found this thing......
........and I just couldn't kill it. It's mom had been hit by a car and the baby wasn't even weaned yet. I brought it to a wildlife rehabber several towns away so hopefully I will never find in my coop.
Purplequeen that is a really nice picture.Mine(caught 2 days ago) doesn't look quite that nice,but it still got a free pass due to age.You know the uglys it's cute.....just fit this little guy(or girl).

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I recall my dad telling me about growing up in the Depression in southern Illinois. He said that when livestock sickened and died, they would take two mules and drag the carcass to the back woods and let the critters finish the job. He once told me that he came upon a bloated horse carcass while out hunting. He took a fallen tree limb from nearby and beat on the ribs of the carcass and two Opossums crawled out of it's butt!
Kind of turned me against ever trying any fried 'possum-belly'.

A few years ago our little dog went out to do her duties one night and got into it with an Opossum. She got bit and it became really badly infected. Trip to the vet two days later after seeing how bad the infection was. We had a sizable vet's bill when it was over. She only goes out accompanied by one of us after dark now.

I have raised 3 before . They didnt even have their eyes open. MEAN little things once they did open them! I put them out in a cage and fed them cat food till i thought they could fend for them sleves.. thing is they killed each other! One one lived so I opened the cage and said good luck! A few months later it came back to my porch and scared the crap oit of me!

Don't mind them surviving. They have their part to play in keeping the creation clean by eating dead critters. just don't want them to survive on my chooks. If they try, there will be no sympathy for them. If not, live and let live.

i know that but they are saying that they hate them for doing what comes naturaly and thats not cool, i understand if they kill a chicken but not all of them killed that chicken so why hate all of them?

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