Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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So Hot what chicken eggs can you still offer? It is almost time for fall so just wondering...for hatching time...
Lf Polish, LF Cochins, some Speckled Sussex, as well BLRW soon, BB Reds, Spangled OEGB, coturnix quail. Thanks for asking.
I have Silver Laced, Gold Laced, A blue rooster with a white crested black hen and a white crested lavender hen. I can't tell you what lines on the BLRW since I tried to hatch so many eggs from many different sources and ended up with 2 pairs. Then I bought six young birds locally with super dark color, very pretty. Must get some pics.
We are just starting to want to hatch our own Scott my fiance wants to breed some qual too. We hasve quite a mixed flock like many of you but are lookingto add to our chickens some large breed egg layers .. Thats my next mission and another turkeys as Hank needs a campanion..hes so freindly we have had all our birds since babies so they are all like family
and to my African grey Parrot and Cockatiel the chickens and our turkey Hank our my favorites.. we have some young chickens we jusat picked up and would be willing to swap . large breed egg layers we are in Arizona. Scott met a lady this morning with some blind large breed chickens needing a good home so I am willing to take them( i also have loved special needs animals ) weve ended up with a mixed flock from my rescuing and buying ... But really want to add s few really nice egg layers a easter egger , black ostrerlop and barred roch we are thinking ... Working on a couple new chicken houses too trhey have large area to graze but bnot grass so I am thnking of putting some sod down in coop grazing area for the girls .... Any thoughts peeps?

Trixy : )
Blindness can be a sign of serious disease in chickens. Any time you get chickens from any source, they should be quarantined.
I have Silver Laced, Gold Laced, A blue rooster with a white crested black hen and a white crested lavender hen. I can't tell you what lines on the BLRW since I tried to hatch so many eggs from many different sources and ended up with 2 pairs. Then I bought six young birds locally with super dark color, very pretty. Must get some pics.

Would love to see pics!!
We have Polish chickens: Gold lace, Buff Lace, Frizzled Buff, Gold lace Frizzled, Tolbunt, Frizzled Tolbunt, Selfblue, White Crested Black, Bluelace, and a white hen w/a black spot on her. We also have Araucanas, RIRs, some cochins, japanese bantams, silkies, millefluers, and pheonix's, and newest addition Chocolate Orpington Bantams.
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