Online medication/antibiotics?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
I'm in the process of getting my poultry first aid & medical preparedness tote together. Can anyone give an idea of who or what online livestock medical supply site. Is reasonably affordable on prices & shipping? Also, while researching injectables I have found quite a bit of Penicillin with "caines" in them. I'm under the assumption that "caines" are to be avoided. So is Penicillin Aqeous the one to get?
Let me know ya'lls thoughts. I really don't want to get a sick bird & not have appropriate treatment on hand

Thank ya!
go to your search bar on your home page.thats what i do.and type in what you are searching for.i have ordered from so many different places.jeffers livestock is one i have ordered from.some offer free shipping so look and compare your products and prices.
I've researching this for over a week (via searching the web). Jeffers has some things I intend on getting. But other sites want a script or you have to be a Veterinarian to purchase meds. I still don't know what the correct IM Penicillin to get either. We do not have a Vet that does "Poulty" in our area

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