Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Opa, hope you all are feeling better. That bug is a tough one. Relapse is common if you overdo it. I know the feeling that stuff just has to get done. Please take care of yourself. Sometimes I feel like I should be two people. Had a call last night from California. My mom is in the hospital with congestive heart failure at 89 yrs old. I feel that I should fly back to be there for her, but I also need to be here for the new chicks, kittens that are due any day now and the garden that needs to be started. It will all work out, but sometimes it seems it comes all at once.
Opa, hope you all are feeling better. That bug is a tough one. Relapse is common if you overdo it. I know the feeling that stuff just has to get done. Please take care of yourself. Sometimes I feel like I should be two people. Had a call last night from California. My mom is in the hospital with congestive heart failure at 89 yrs old. I feel that I should fly back to be there for her, but I also need to be here for the new chicks, kittens that are due any day now and the garden that needs to be started. It will all work out, but sometimes it seems it comes all at once.
Life certainly seems overwhelming at times. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Opa, hope you all are feeling better. That bug is a tough one. Relapse is common if you overdo it. I know the feeling that stuff just has to get done. Please take care of yourself. Sometimes I feel like I should be two people. Had a call last night from California. My mom is in the hospital with congestive heart failure at 89 yrs old. I feel that I should fly back to be there for her, but I also need to be here for the new chicks, kittens that are due any day now and the garden that needs to be started. It will all work out, but sometimes it seems it comes all at once.
I hope this doesn't come off as hard hearted, but I don't think you will look back with regrets on the garden being off to a late start, missing the birth of kittens, or having to arrange for someone to take care of chicks.... but you may regret not being there for your mother. I say this with the best of intentions.
Thanks everyone. I finally got to talk to some of the medical people who are treating Mom. She will be in the hospital for several days then in a rehab facility for more time. She has congestive heart failure and A-fib, as well as an unknown rash. They will know more tomorrow. I was just back there last month for 10 days. She said she doesn't want me to come until she comes home. Right now I am on a day to day basis. If she gets worse I will go back right away. If they feel she will be released to go home I will go when I can do the most good and find someone to visit with her everyday, although she says she doesn't want anyone in her house. I am feeling calmer about things now and will know more tomorrow.
rrrmamma, while the news isn't wonderful, you can breathe a little easier knowing that she may soon be back home.

I'm actually starting to think that I may actually live. Yesterday, because of the congestion that all three of us were feeling, I picked up some extra strength Musinex DM. While not requiring a prescription it isn't OTC and requires you get it from the pharmacist. It has 4x the active ingredients as the OTC version. Last night Granny claimed that it was much easier for her to breathe. This morning I feel remarkedly better.

Yesterday I did manage to cut down 2 apple trees and the pruning of the others is about 60% complete. Hopefully I can get it completed in a day or two and get them sprayed.
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May have to try Mucinex..heard alot of good things about it!

Got a blast email from Daughter's school, one of the students at school has whooping cough. I hope my dd doesn't get it even she has the cough but its more of a "once in a while" cough. I remember my sister had it, it was a deep, constant cough that she complained that she could not breathe. Not sure how whooping cough came about, it is so rare in her school. They are working with the health department, making sure all protocals are covered and actively done. Hopefully no one else has it.
I am leaving .to be with my Mom on Wednesday. It is just impossible to deal with her issues by telephone. I get one story from the nurses and another from the attending Dr. She was so confused the other night she thought she was at home and someone had repainted her room. She yelled at the nurses for leaving the door open because the furnace was coming on and she didn't want a big heating bill. She is usually very lucid and they said that they had not given her any pain meds that would cause that kind of confusion.Now they are moving her to a rehab center. I hate hospitals! Thanks everyone for letting me vent.
We are all off to London for the weekend to attend a friend's wedding. We leave first thing tomorrow morning (never my favourite thing!) and come back Sunday evening. The kids are super excited about seeing the Big Smoke and getting all dressed up. We hired a kilt outfit for DS, he thinks he's the bees knees in it! Should be a fun weekend, I'll be back on Monday with pics!

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