Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Have a safe and fun trip......can't wait to see pics!!
Severe storms and tornadoes wreck death and destruction across the south. One storm that killed two was only about 12 south of my oldest son Joe. I found a smiley depicting a tornado but smilies are cute and there is nothing humorous to be found in these storms. My prayers go out to all of those so devastated.
Been lurking mostly lately. Sam glad to hear that your son and family are ok; it was a scary night; we spent most of the time after midnight in the basement.. We are still trying to get ahold of hubby's #2 son who is working in KY; we haven't heard from him/ or about him from anyone since before Friday's storms; so we are assuming the cell reception is down.

Hope that all is well with everyone here this evening. Its been a blur of dr. appts with mom lately and just haven't had anything to say I guess.
Weather, other than the storms, has been warm for this time of the year. Plum trees are starting to bloom, will probably frost some of the buds tonight. Fixing ourselves a small hoop house for starting garden stuff in and fall/winter growing of salad goodies. Other than that its just been busy.

Well, I guess I've babbled enough.........have a good one!
Shirley, The anxiety of not knowing is very very hard. I hope you hear soon from the #2 son. One of the tornadoes that killed two was just a few miles south of the boys. Every time I hear of a storm in southwest Missouri my heart almost stops.
Shirley, The anxiety of not knowing is very very hard. I hope you hear soon from the #2 son. One of the tornadoes that killed two was just a few miles south of the boys. Every time I hear of a storm in southwest Missouri my heart almost stops.

Shirley, I hope you hear from him soon!

Opa, I have a daughter, SIL and granddaughter in Little Rock, I know just how you feel.
Phone call this morning, he's ok!!! He waited out the storms in the safe room basement of the hotel where they are staying; on the jobsite they have some kind of room they would all go into also that was supposed to be safe. He said that the Walmart next door to the hotel lost its roof. So very grateful that our prayers have been answered and he is alright. Thank you all very much for your concern. It really means alot.

Sam, you are so right, the waiting is awful. Every time there are storms we are checking on all the kids if its been in their areas. Since we have been friends on here I find myself switching the weather radio over to Springfield to see what's going on around where your boys are when the weather is bad. Now it looks like I need to find the channel for Little Rock!!

I include your family in my prayers when the weather is crazy in our (and their) neck of the woods. NAF yours will be on my list anytime it kicks up in AR; my son lives at Bull Shoals, so I do check AR too.

Think we will have a much better nights sleep tonight!
The heartache and tragedy that can be generated in just a few moments is all most beyond believe. We know that they happen because we've all seen the devastation yet each storm seems to bring disbelieve anew. Shirley, I appreciate your thinking of my sons during times of storm as we all need voices asking for God's intercession.
Sam, we are taught to "pray for one another"; happy to include your family.

Beautiful day here in the MO Ozark foothills; Its hard to believe that its only early March. Finished putting the plastic on the hoop house and it looks pretty good! It sure warmed up in there alot, and really fast. Now to move the dirt around inside and fix up some planting beds. I'm sure it will require a trip to that "special" dirt place we have just below the chicken pens that provides fantastically mulched stuff that seems to be able to grow anything, lol.

Well folks its about time for me to call it a night; hoping yours was a good day and a delightful evening.
I hope everyone is doing well. Been very busy lately with gardens, storms and my new job!

V, where are those pics, can't wait to see C in his kilt! Hope your trip went smoothly.

Sam, glad to hear you are on the mend~ :)
Glad everyone's families surviived these storms. It has been a strange winter . No snow to speak of here all winter,then snow today! I am leaving for California on Wed. My brother flew down to see Mom today and says she looks bad. I will stay as long as I need to to help her. Prayers for her would be appreciated.

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