Opinions on best egg layers

Golden Comets, Isa Browns Red Sex Links, Production Reds...They're all pretty much the same bird when it boils down and they are the best production brown egg layers on the market.  They're readily available through most hatcheries and local farm stores/chick sellers, but their downfall is sometimes, but not always, health problems that arise from being bred to lay excessively.  I have Rhode Island Reds (which are used to make Red Sex Links) and they consistently give me 6 to 7 quality eggs a week, even throughout the winter.  Their molts have also been relatively short so they take less than a month between stopping and starting with their egglaying.  All these breeds are relatively docile, but tend to find their way to the top of the pecking order, especially when paired with Orpingtons.

Leghorns are the commercial white egg layers and are indeed prolific, but they can be very flighty and tough to handle, even if raised as chicks.  It seems to be a quality inherent in the breed.  Also, leghorns are not known to be great in cold weather, mainly because of their large combs and waddles that are prone to frostbite.  I live in NJ, and there are people who raise leghorns with success, so I'm sure with a few added precautions, like an insulated coop, you can get away with raising them in cold temps.  However, if you're looking for birds that will not only serve as egg layers but also as pets, then you may want to avoid this skittish breed.  Hope this helps!

Their totally different.Gokden comets are simplred sexlinks,but,red sex links aren't and will never be a Production red.While the red sex links bred with a different white gene hen then a Production red is.Hatcheries have nothing to do with chicken breeds unless their selling them..
My Golden Comets (Red Sex Links) are a year old and they lay.  I have 8 of those, a Buff Orpington, two Rhode Island Reds, A gold and a silver Wynadote and two something chickens.  They are black, have a few feathers on their legs, but aren't silkies.  Out of my 14 chickens, I get 10-12 eggs per day.  I am sure the bulk of the eggs come from the Red Sex Links.  If you want eggs, get them.  Also, they are very friendly.  I had them since they were a couple days old, I bought them from an online hatchery, Mc Murray...or Meyer... I don't remember.  Anyway, they are very docile, even the rooster I had was a good calm guy.  He had to go, though.  He was driving my Delaware Rooster nuts.  Anyway, if you want nice, friendly egg layers, go with the Golden Comet, Red Sexlink chickens.  My two cents worth.

I whole heartedly agree with your statements about golden comets. They are amazing egg layers and have sweet personalities.
Thanks.  Im also looking for a bird that isn't to mean either.  We have a 2 1/2 year old grand daughter that I want to be able to collect eggs with us when shes here.

My wyandottes are steady layers. Laid all winter. I have silver and blue red and red silver they lay lots of double yolks.
These girls lay the best for me. The EE is a lot nicer than the RR tho

Basque Hens -- huge eggs (extra large to jumbo) almost daily Late winter through to molting time. Best temperaments. Great foragers. Super friendly and curious. Easy on the feed.

Basque Hens -- huge eggs (extra large to jumbo) almost daily Late winter through to molting time. Best temperaments. Great foragers. Super friendly and curious. Easy on the feed.
Learned something new! I never heard of Basque chickens. They are not listed in the BYC breed area so I had to google them. The sound like a great breed but possibly difficult to obtain. Know of any breeders?

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