Opinions on best egg layers

Leghorns are undoubtedly the best layers of all breeds, thus, the reason commercial layers prefer them. Of course, commercial layers keep them in heated chicken houses in 2x2 cages. Their sole purpose in life is to lay eggs.

Enjoy your chickens! They're great therapists and cheaper than a shrink!
My Easter Eggers lay 5-6 a week each on average unless they're molting and then I might get 1 a week from each for a couple months. - I was surprised at the volume but even more surprised at how FREAKIN HUGE their eggs are. And the colors are beautiful. From 6 EEs I get one tan, 1 sage green, 1 mint green, 1 blue, 1 pink and 1 olive. But man they stop almost completely when they molt which is a bummer

They're very sweet and they all look different. They're pretty. Some have little muffs on their cheeks. I think some people look down on them because they're not fancy show types but if you're looking for lots of big eggs they're the best. I got mine from McMurray. Have fun!
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Leghorns are undoubtedly the best layers of all breeds, thus, the reason commercial layers prefer them.
X2 on White Leghorns (for white eggs); and sex links for brown eggs. Chicken owners may like other breeds better (I'm personally not a fan of the high stung and flighty temperament of White Leghorns), but if other breeds could match the lay rates of White Leghorns and sex links, then the commercial layers would use those breeds. Commercial laying houses don't care about a breed's personality or how pretty it is; all they are concerned with is how many eggs it can churn out in a year.
Im getting back into raising chickens and was wondering thoughts on which breed to get for the most egg laying. I had RIR before and they were ok I had 9 birds but only got 6 eggs a day. What are everyones thoughts?
Accordingly to the chicken egg industry the best layers with the best feed to weight to lay ratio is the White Leghorn. There are many strains of the White Leghorn and Apparently the Califonia Gray/Grey is a good choice.
I am impressed with these little birds. They are kinda stringy in the pot but good egg layers for upwards of 2 full years of laying. Out of the Heritage breeds....???... probably the Aussie... and they are nice big roosters if you're gona keep some eggs for hatching.
Personally I prefer just your average run of the mill barnyard mixed breed for hit and miss laying abilities and meat option.
Don't get me wrong, I do have heritage breeds that I enjoy and breed pure. Barnyard X's are easier to deal with on so many levels.....for me. I'll not get into just now though.
I hope this helps
The information above is good, but most commercial egg farms have leghorns for egg production. They have a good feed to egg laying ratio which means they can get by with less food and still put out good numbers (240-300 eggs a year.) They lay white eggs, which is why most supermarket eggs are white. A leghorn holds the record for egg production in a single year (371.) Hands down, leghorns are for making eggs.

That said, I would rather give up some eggs a week for nice looking birds. I'm a hobbyist, not a businessman.
I had a mixed breed chicken that was probably mostly Assel and she was not only a daily layer but very gentle. I got 7 rather large eggs a week from her almost EVERY week. She didn't stop laying except for two times. When I first got her, and once when I was in an accident.
Hope I'm not too late to be helpful. ;-)
And definitely don't get Dominicks if you're going to have them around small children. I don't have as much experience with them but they are very aggressive most of the time.
I took my Assel hen to a week long cowboy day petting zoo type thing and she never pecked a single child and was great to let them hold her.
If you want a high producing white egg layer, I would suggest a California White. They are basically a quiet, docile leghorn. They look alike except for the fact that Cali Whites have a couple black specks here and there. They are actually a cross of a California Grey rooster over a White Leghorn. I have 2 and love them
If you want a high producing white egg layer, I would suggest a California White. They are basically a quiet, docile leghorn. They look alike except for the fact that Cali Whites have a couple black specks here and there. They are actually a cross of a California Grey rooster over a White Leghorn. I have 2 and love them
X2 on that. Austra Whites (Black Australorp roo X White Leghorn hen) are also very good layers. Neither California Whites or Austra Whites will quite match the lay rate of the best strains of White Leghorns, but they they don't typically have all the temperament issues that Leghorns have.
True that. Leghorns can be downright nasty. My brother was 9 months old back like 20 years ago and got his face ripped up by a Leghorn rooster that had slipped out of the coop. Still has the scars over his eyes and forehead.

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