Opinions on two coop choices


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi there! I'm researching coops for my soon to be coming 6 babies, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 sex links, 1 brahma, 1 barred rock, so obviously these will be big hens. There is a local company here in my town that makes coops and there are two that I'm considering. One is a small barn style coop that is 6' x 3' long and 4' high with sides that open out for access, and the run is attached to this with a total of 6' x 6' of space, it has two nesting boxes and a four foot roost. The cost is $620.The seller says it's large enough for up to 7 large hens. The second is a walk in style that is 4' x 8' and 78" at it's highest point, this has the run attached for a total of 4' x 8' of space. It has 3 nesting boxes and 3 roosts and it costs $975. The seller says it's large enough for 8 large hens. Both of these have window style vents, shingled roofs, doors for easy cleaning, 1/2" x 1/2" wire mesh, ect. These are large amounts to spend and I don't want to choose badly and I want to make sure to purchase something that will keep my hens happy and content and that will be large enough for them, as well as easy to clean, ect. Please give me your opinions as well as your experiences with your coops.

They are local to me too. I looked at them before. I think they are both *way* too small from what I've read (although I am pretty new to chicken keeping. When I was a teen we had a very small chicken coop but our chickens free ranged all day until evening so only slept in the coop.

The hen house in the playhouse one is 4' x 4', I'm building one of those for four hens. IMO The runs are really small too unless you plan to free range (or put in separate day pen) every day for the life of the chicken
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Oscarlet do you have any other ideas of where to look? I really want something made in the US and my hubby isn't into building at all after our 2 year home addition we did ourselves many years back : ) I don't want to have buyers remorse : (
I plan on letting them roam the yard in the afternoons for a couple hours as I have dogs that will need the yard as well.
LOL We really didn't either, but ended up doing so. I looked around locally and on craigslist and didn't find anything I liked so we reluctantly started building. What about adapting a shed? Think your DH might be up for that?

I saw some coops in C/Kahoots (not sure of the spelling) in Ramona. Not sure of the size though.

this isn't any bigger but is way cheaper
what if you spent the extra money making or buying a really big run? Our winters are so mild that you could maybe get away with a smaller coop if you had a really good size run...??? Chicken experts?!
I'm as new as they come... Only having chickens for a couple weeks now.. But I have done extensive research on coops that are for sale like at feed supply stores and I can tell you the construction is weak... I built my own coop for around the same price As a pre fabbed one but it's built to last ... I'd say design one with everything you want, plan it out and build it ...

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