Oregano oil for chickens

I'm really interested in trying this--how can we buy it? I don't see a buy link on the ropapharm website and am thinking about picking some up at our organic food store.
I don't think, from what I've read (admittedly there is not much out there), that it has to be for poultry. It just has to be food grade. The problem is that to make much difference the quantity required would be prohibitively expensive if the products available for human use were used.
I don't know ... it is very strong stuff. I would not use very much, as I don't with humans either. I'd probably isolate a sick or potentially sick bird, and put a couple drops in a quarter cup of water, leaving no other source for drinking. If one were to use it proactively in a large flock, it would indeed by expensive!
I usually use silver for our birds, I add it to their water from time to time but now I want to try adding a lil oregano oil to their next batch of oatmeal. It tastes pretty nasty so i don't think they would appreciate it being added to their water! Can't imagine it will hurt them any!

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