Oregano oil for chickens

Good Luck to your hen and a full recovery. I add Oregano in their eggs (sprinkle it on top along with fresh chopped garlic) . I also add several other ingredients as well. I like to keep it as "natural" as I can.
Oregano oil is a great way to get healthy. It is expensive so adding it on a regular basis might not be within your budget.
I just got a big kit of oils from DoTerra, and noticed the oil of oregano in the kit. I've been taking it and now wondering if I should add it to my hens list of supplements. I already add Braggs ACV to their water every day and it's been great so far. I also someone mention that they sometimes add silver as well, is there a specific dosage? This is all so fascinating! Happy I found this thread!

I only have 4 hens right now so any problems would probably have to be a whole flock treatment type of thing...
You didn't offend ME, NikSmith.

It was great information and (in my opinion) you gave the information and added that you sold the product you were talking about. I can make the choice whether I contact you or not.

That being said.... I AM offended by blatent sales pitches without info, but yours didn't strike me as that.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

Just my two cents.....
i totally agree.

however, that two cents of yours will cost you a nickel, cause thats all a nickel is worth these days!!
Hi, I'm new to the forum and also a new chicken keeper. I am very much interested in preventive healthcare for my chickens as I live my own lifestyle the same. I've been using Bragg's ACV in a separate plastic waterer. My chickens like it. And I also have started using Ropapharm's Ropapoultry complete oregano oil supplement. They like that too. It looks like great stuff and you can find it on the MY PET CHICKEN website. My questiion for any experienced chicken keepers knowledgeable with these two products is this:
Is it safe to be using both of these supplements at the same time? I would not want one to be counterproductive to the other or have any sort of interaction. Since they are both supplements and not medication I assumed them to both be good to use at the same time but thought I better check with anyone who has experience with these.
Should I use a plastic waterer for the oregano oil additive? Will it rust my galvanized metal waterer?

Thank you for any help. I'm trying the very best I can to keep my little chuckers healthy. I have 4 silver-laced and 3 golden-laced Wyandotte bantams. About 5 months old now. At least one is a roo. I heard and saw the largest golden-laced crow for the first time the other morning. It was very exciting. Hope he's the only Roo.
We don't use either every day or at the same time. I think they do help, but from personal experience I would say you still need to do an occasional deworming (at least every six months) with a chemical dewormer. There are many good ones on the market. I hate giving them chemicals too, but I learned the hard way that natural based or herbal based products are only effective to a point. We had a sick hen who significantly improved for a while with the oregano oil given to her every day in her water. We rotate ACV, Oregano Oil, poultry vitamins, in the waterers, and also occasionally use crushed garlic (which they don't like very much, though I might have used too much) in the water, and sometimes Turmeric (which they also don't care for). And lots of days we give them just plain fresh water. It works out to about once a week for each of the things I mentioned. It's a very inexact science and everyone has their own methods, that's just what we do. We have some chickens who have lived to be 8 to 10 years old, so I'm guessing we're doing something right.
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The oil is extremely potent. I use this 1 -4 drops in a ounce or two of water. Great for fending off colds and congestion. It has many health benefits. I use it before sleep, anything you eat afterwards for a good while will taste like oregano. Helps me eating too many cookies at night.:D
As for giving it to chickens, maybe on occasion. I can't afford to use it on a regular basis let alone barnyard animals.

Much stronger than fresh oregano.

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Thanks so much for the input. I had been thinking I might do a rotation every couple of weeks or so. And I've used a dewormer already and think that regular deworming is a good idea especially after speaking with a poultry vet I needed to take one of the chicks to early on in getting them. She was having a little respiratory issue. I have also tried some vet RX for poultry on occasion with a couple other birds when nostrils had discharge. I think it helped but I also needed to give the first sick bird baytril injections which I believe made her better. Everybody doing very well now. I know birds can get stressed very easily, I kept parrots with the ex for over 20 years so I have lots of general bird knowledge. And I'm a vet tech (over 30 years working for vet) so I totally understand and believe in preventive medicine BUT also that sometimes things need to be treated medically and with birds conditions can go south real quickly.

And I'm very glad to speak with experienced chicken keepers....thank-you again. Experience speaks for a lot! Hope my chickens will live as long as yours, no matter if still laying or not, they are becoming my pets too, I love watching them and they've been somewhat cathartic for me since we lost a beloved cat and are having a hard time coping with that. They distract me and make me laugh.
I add dried oregano to the feed and give them fresh oregano weekly as a treat. I don't have studies or proof of the benefits but my flock has never had any problems and I haven't yet used any medications or antibiotics. Fresh Eggs Daily.com (her book is awesome too) is a great source of information on using herbs in chicken keeping:

Oregano - A Natural Antibiotic for Chickens and Ducks

Pumpkin Soup, Garlic & Nasturtium - Natural Wormers

Natural Factors Oil of Oregano
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