Oregon Spring Poultry Swap May 5, 2012 in Canby!!!

Could not resist.........meet Bacon, Ham, Tyrone and PeeWee. They are helping to dig up the blackberries on our new property


But are these the eatin' kind? We aren't eating our girl...she's a potbelly. She'll get big but not huge.


Awwww I love Dixie Pig!!!!!
We're gonna come see her on Friday!!
Well of course silly just look at that little piggy eatin grass ! !

Yeah, she's eating grass, but animal crackers are her favorite!!!!

She's cutting back on the cookies. We have her on Cherios and cherry tomatoes for treats. And she gets lots of excercise helping as we clean stalls. She's the official stall inspector. Of course I know what she's looking for...dropped morsels.
Yeah, she's eating grass, but animal crackers are her favorite!!!!

She's cutting back on the cookies. We have her on Cherios and cherry tomatoes for treats. And she gets lots of excercise helping as we clean stalls. She's the official stall inspector. Of course I know what she's looking for...dropped morsels.

Someday I, too shall have a potbelly of my own. I almost snagged two free pglets last month, but I could make the drive to Eugene.
She's cutting back on the cookies. We have her on Cherios and cherry tomatoes for treats. And she gets lots of excercise helping as we clean stalls. She's the official stall inspector. Of course I know what she's looking for...dropped morsels.

Someday I, too shall have a potbelly of my own. I almost snagged two free pglets last month, but I could make the drive to Eugene.

She's a lot of work because she is so smart...gotta outsmart her. And of course she likes a lot of loving. She requires hourly belly rubs unless she's snoozing somewhere.
Yes! It's beautiful!

It wasnt the first I guess...I found 4 more today, 3 were under the shavings and 1 was so fresh it was hot still lol. She was not impressed with me bothering her while she was in the act. When I called you she must have already started lol
At this time I know I will be bringing 1-3 10 hole metal nestboxes. 2 have the plastic bottoms and one of them is older and the wooden bottoms are long gone. Hopefully I will be bringing a small egg turner for a gqf styro incumbator with the turkey/goose inserts. Will also have a smattering of new egg cartons depending on what we decide to use for market this year.

Wanted: tbd

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