
Looking for Black Astrolorp and Barred Rock. Can be laying hens or chicks. I am in Tigard (Portland) Anyone have any for sale?
Trying to plan ahead here. We live in Central Oregon, and we will be gone in Dec for 2 1/2 days. We have 9 pullets and 1 Roo and their coop is 8x8 with a run of 8x12 . My question is since I don't want to bother our neighbors during the holidays to come open and close the coop each night could I leave the coop door open to come and go to their secure run or would it be alright to leave them locked up while we are gone? I thought I could put straw in the run and coop to make it extra warm. This will be our first winter with chickens and I am not sure what I should do. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated....
If your run is truly secure, they will be fine. If you post pics, we can help you look for weak spots. My birds all have access to their secure runs 24/7/365.
Thank you all! I have downloaded photobucket, but I haven't figured out how to post pictures with my iPad! I am a beginner on so many levels! Lol!

Click on the picture, then click on the icon at the top right that looks like a chain, then click on the second one from the bottom the IMG Code ( for forums) then click ok. Go to the forum post where you want the picture and hold your finger on it until the bubble pops up and click paste. It will probably but a little message up asking you to agree that your not posting anything against the rules. And your pic will be there. :)
I have some birds available for sale, PM me if interested...

Bantam blue laced red Wyandottes, blr hen, blue pullet, blue cock, 3 black lr cockerels. Girls will only go in pairs with boys.

Bantam silver laced Wyandotte cock. SQ.

Bantam blue wheaten Ameraucana / Araucana cross cock. 3 years old.

Bantam Sumatra black cock. Breeder quality.

White Showgirl cock. SQ.

4 bantam chocolate English Orpington chicks. Straight run.

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